Migrating a svn directory to alioth

Manuel Prinz debian at pinguinkiste.de
Mon Aug 25 20:07:06 UTC 2008

Hi Sylvestre!

Am Montag, den 25.08.2008, 21:23 +0200 schrieb Sylvestre Ledru:
> I would like to migrate some of my packages to debian-science (like
> Scilab, worldwind, sivp or libmatio). [...]
> However, I would like to keep the history.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to dump the history of a single
> directory ? (for example:
> http://bollin.googlecode.com/svn/libmatio/trunk )

Yes, "svadmin dump" is what you're looking for[0]. Too check those in it
requires direct access to the repo to do so, so you may have to ask the
Alioth admins to do the job for you.


[0] Not having used SVN for quite a while now, I remember the whole
procedure to be a little tricky. Maybe that changed until now. (Or my
memory is bad.)

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