Bug#555707: Please provide an additional package

Dmitry E. Oboukhov unera at debian.org
Wed Nov 11 14:25:55 UTC 2009

>> I'm a maintainer one of dictionary package (goldendict).
>> In its forum some people are present who use wordnet with different
>> GUI-program. One of them wrote a script, which prepares wn-dictionary
>> which looks fine in GUI-programs (for example in goldendict).

AT> Thanks for the patch.

If You agree to apply the patch, I'll make some changes in it (I want
to drop out arrows from target dictionaries)

>> This script uses wordnet database, so i think that it would be nice to
>> add one binary package into Your src-package instead duplicate source.

AT> I wonder whether goldendict could not use the dict-wn package?

goldendict can use dict-wn package, but dict-wn look worse than
wordnet-goldendict, because this script was specially written to get
the nicest form.

AT> I have
AT> build the package on my machine and have seen that all other dict
AT> formatted dictionaries which are installed on my machine are parsed.  So
AT> could you please verify whether dict-wn works and we might be able to
AT> sparse an additional large binary package (and additional Ruby
AT> Build-Depends as well as additional build time)?

I don't know how is dict-wn dictionary looked in other programs, but
dict-* utilities (if i'm not wrong) are oriented to use in terminals,
so their dictionaries look worse in GUI-program.

AT> In case you confirm that dict-wn can not be used and the additional
AT> package is really needed I'll upload as soon as I have fast upload
AT> connection.

dict-wn CAN be used, but wordnet-goldendict has more nice form.
Compare screenshots in attache:

    ss-dict-wn.png and ss-wordnet-goldendict.png

the first is oriented to use in terminal, the second is oriented to
use in GUI.

PS: I'm asked by a few people to add this variant into debian, but i
think that it is a bad way to add another source with the same data.
It would be nice and true if we could add this patch to Your package.

yes, this script is quite slowly, but rebuildings do not often do, i
think that it isn't big problem ;)

... mpd is off

. ''`.                               Dmitry E. Oboukhov
: :’  :   email: unera at debian.org jabber://UNera@uvw.ru
`. `~’              GPGKey: 1024D / F8E26537 2006-11-21
  `- 1B23 D4F8 8EC0 D902 0555  E438 AB8C 00CF F8E2 6537
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