Bug#580335: Please compile multithreaded ATLAS libraries

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Wed May 5 09:07:59 UTC 2010

Le mercredi 05 mai 2010 à 11:27 +0300, Matti Laakso a écrit :
> Package: atlas
> Version: 3.8.3-21
> Severity: wishlist
> Would it be possible to build also threaded version of atlas libraries?
> Current libraries seem to be single-threaded. In the build process for
> atlas this is achieved by
> make ptshared
> in addition to
> make shared
Hmm, I am already doing it:
$(MAKE) shared;										$(MAKE) ptshared;

The problem with the thread in Atlas is that they are "computed" on the
building device...
See: http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/faq.html#tnum


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