Bug#619935: src:scotch: FTBFS on several arches due to lex issue

Angel Abad angelabad at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 08:03:53 UTC 2011

2011/3/30 Adam C Powell IV <hazelsct at debian.org>:


> This is a very strange error in its irreproducibility...
> I've applied both patches and pushed to alioth.
> Angel, can you please verify for us that what's in alioth [1] will build
> with binutils-gold?  It seems to work, but we would like to be sure.
> When that happens, I will rebuild and upload.

Hi! The package in git builds well for me with binutils-gold.

Thanks for your work!

>  [1] git://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/scotch.git
> Thanks!
> -Adam
> --
> GPG fingerprint: D54D 1AEE B11C CE9B A02B  C5DD 526F 01E8 564E E4B6
> Engineering consulting with open source tools
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Angel Abad
angelabad at gmail.com | angelabad at ubuntu.com | angelabad at fsfe.org
FPR: EBF6 080D 59D4 008A DF47  00D4 098D AE47 EE3B C279

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