problem with cctbx

Radostan Riedel raybuntu at
Sun Aug 5 14:10:46 UTC 2012

On Sun, 05. Aug 13:56, Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca wrote:
> /usr/local/bin/ 2: /home/picca/Debian/sponsor/cctbx/cctbx/debian/repack.local: shopt: not found
OK the problem is that shopt is a bash option. I wanned to do it easily. If I
call "bash" it works. OK I guess I'd have to rm each directory by hand. 
> Still no answer from him ?
No answer to any of my mails or bugreports.
> I will try to build the package and gives you some feedback.
> just one remark, you still install the .la and the .a files.
> It would be better to remove thoses files [1] and do not distribute them.
I don't install .la files only .a files in the dev package as I thought they
could be usefull.

> If the build system could avoid building also the static library except the required one it would be great :)
I know but I don't see a way. I can't change a constant during runtime. I
already explained once that they are having 2 methods to get the "nearest
neighbor" of a spot. In some implementations the nearest neighbor is the spot
self (self_include) and in some it's not. This can only be achieved by resetting
a constant in ANN.h and recompiling. Since this also changed in ANN upstream
over the last years we could get wrong or unexpected results using libspotfinder
etc. if I link it against debians libann. I don't really know what to do here.


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