Bug#599129: gnuplot xt parsing

James Gambill bugs at ameko.net
Tue Jun 12 02:32:27 UTC 2012

ran into this bug in the course of debugging a gnuplot'ism and thought
it would be relevant to add...

|| I do not see this "-geometry" option documented. No information in
|| manpage.  I am planning to close the bug if no other comments will be added.

granted the above may have been correct at the time of writing,

       Gnuplot  provides the x11 terminal type for use with X servers.
This terminal type is set automatically at startup if the DISPLAY environment
variable is set, if the TERM environment variable is set to xterm, or if 
the  -display command  line option is used.  For terminal type x11, gnuplot
accepts the standard X Toolkit options and resources such as geometry,
font, and background. See the X(1) man page for a description of
the options.   In  addition  to the X Toolkit options:


$ export TERM=xterm #default but explicit
$ gnuplot -geometry 1024x960+0+0 -p test.gnuplot


$ gnuplot -geometry 1024x960+0+0 -display :0.0 -p test.gnuplot

so the code handling TERM=xterm is not working as advertised.

also, -geometry is a standard XtOpenApplication() parsed argument since
forever in R6, performing an Xrm merge. See:


the fact that gnuplot is parsing Xt options but not using them unless
display is specified is misleading, in addition to ignoring TERM.

just food for thought

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