Bug#702370: Incorrect use of Mmv function in scilab interface

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Tue Mar 5 19:32:58 UTC 2013

Package: getfem++
Version: 4.1.1+dfsg1
Usertags: goto-cc

While building the package using our research compiler infrastructure we noticed
the following type incompatibilities in interface/src/scilab/src/c/extras.c:

In function Mmmtr, line 483 of the above file, Mmv is called:



int     m, n, p;        /* C is m x n */
double  alpha;
Real    **A, **B, **C;
int     Aj0, Bj0, Cj0;

Yet Mmv is declared as follows:

void    Mmv(m,n,alpha,A,j0,x,beta,y)
int     m, n, j0;
double  alpha, beta;
Real    **A, *x, *y;

Thus, neither the number of arguments nor their types match. The result is
entirely undefined.


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