[xml/sgml] Debian GNU/Linux reference card

W. Borgert debacle@debian.org
Tue, 11 May 2004 12:32:02 +0200

Quoting Geert Stappers <stappers@stappers.nl>:
> What should go into CVS?

Geert, just to be sure: I _have_ CVS write access in the XML group's
area and intend to create the module etc. myself.  My question was
only whether people in the XML group don't like to have the refcard in
the XML group's repository, as it is not an XML tool or application.

Files: I will check whether the translation of the documents can be
handled better by use of poxml and gettext.  If I'm going to use poxml,
the translated documents would be replaced by .po files.

A README makes sense, of course.

Cheers, WB