[Debichem-devel] gelemental

Lothar l.art at scarydevilmonastery.net
Thu May 29 08:53:37 UTC 2008

On the "General" page of Zinc, gelemental suggests that the German
word "zink" translates to "tin" - which is not the case. Zink, from
Zinke, or Zinken, means, "sharp point", "prong" or "tooth",
colloquially also used for a dominant nose. gperiodic had that wrong
too, until it was corrected about one year ago, and says now "german
for Zinc".
The element tin is "Zinn", not Zink, in german.  A tin - as in
preservative metal container - is "Dose", Konserve", "Buechse"  (with
ue written as u trema, that is u umlaut, an u with a 90 degree rotated
colon on top), but definitely not a "Zink".

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