[Debichem-devel] chemps2 v1.6

Sebastian Wouters sebastianwouters at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 13:55:35 UTC 2015

Hi Daniel,

Seems, you need to update the symbols file. I'll attach the build log
> (amd64, pbuilder chroot). The build itself fails here because of
> changed symbols.
> There are a fvew helper tools to update the symbols file:
> https://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/symbolfiles.html
> Unfortunately I'm not that experienced with symbol files. So hopefully
> someone else can help you further.

The symbols file is updated in the git repo on alioth:

> You can easily create a Debian build environment under Ubuntu if you
> want. I use pbuilder (and used it to build Ubuntu packages under
> Debian). There are further sbuild, cowbuilder and probably a few other
> tools to create clean build environments of Ubuntu and Debian.

Thanks for the heads up! I've now tried with pbuilder and "--distribution
sid" on ubuntu 14.04, but somehow it still picks the "ESs" string symbols
over "ENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE". Nonetheless I
think the symbols file should be fine now.

> PS: What's the reason that you use DH_VERBOSE (debian/rules)?

That's a remnant from when I was first writing the rules file. Want me to
throw it out?

Best wishes,
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