Python prototypes and smart search GUI

Enrico Zini enrico at
Mon Aug 28 22:25:48 UTC 2006


# apt-get install python-apt python-wxgtk2.6
$ svn co svn://

Do it.  Really.  Now.

The contents are:
    A python module with useful code for playing with Debtags.
    Think of it like a very simplified reimplementation of libtagcoll.

    Reads a collection of package->tags and spits out a collection of
    tag->packages.  It's orders of magnitude faster of doing it with
    tagcoll, which shows that my implementation of it in tagcoll is
    deeply broken and needs some love.

    Use: ./reverse /var/lib/debtags/package-tags
    Gets debtags data and a package list on input, and outputs the tags
    sorted by how relevant they are to that subset of packages.  The
    last tags are the most relevant.  This can be used to study the
    relevance algorithm, and it's 34 lines of code.

    Use: apt-cache search image editor | ./tagsByRelevance /var/lib/debtags/package-tags | tail -20
    Reimplementation of the interactive terminal-based 'debtags
    smartsearch' as is in the svn version of Debtags.  It's 198 lines,
    so it's a good way to see how the idea is implemented.

    It also shows computation of discriminant packages (i.e. those who,
    if selected either as "I want this" or as "I don't want this", weed
    out the largest amount of tags)

    Use: ./smartsearch /var/lib/debtags/package-tags image editor
         then follow the instructions at the prompt

    GUI prototype of a smartsearch interface.  The interaction feels
    quite good, at least to me.
    Quirk: you may need to resize the window so that the tags on the
    left don't wrap to the next line.  I don't know how to easily solve
    that, besides implementing from scratch a custom widget for it.
    Check the help menu: it's got an introduction in the about box and
    context-sensitive help.  Wow! :)

    Use: ./wxsearch
	 then input the keywords in the search box and search for
	 packages using the tags that appear below.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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