If I do tagging, will it be used?

Justin B Rye jbr at edlug.org.uk
Wed Jul 12 13:22:37 UTC 2006

Enrico Zini wrote:
> Justin B Rye wrote:
>> But is there a way of browsing those tags, or do I need to download
>> them to /var/cache/debtags as well?  (I assume that gives the same
>> set of "approved" tags?)
> svn co svn://svn.debian.org/debtags/tagdb/tags

 jbr at hurakan:~$ svn co svn://svn.debian.org/debtags/tagdb/tags
 svn: URL 'svn://svn.debian.org/debtags/tagdb/tags' refers to a file,
 not a directory

There's probably some obvious fix, for those familiar with svn...
but not being such a person I doubt I would get much out of it.

> or using "tags apt://" as the only debtags source in
> /etc/debtags/sources.list

Ah, right, thanks, that sounds useful.  Um, except that:

 jbr at xamanek:~$ sudoedit /etc/debtags/sources.list
 jbr at xamanek:~$ sudo debtags update
 E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/apt could not be found.
 E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/apt could not be found.
 debtags: ConsistencyCheckException: Acquirer failed

When I override my apt policy to install the Unstable debtags, it
works.  But now debtags-edit is broken:

 jbr at xamanek:~$ sudo debtags update
 jbr at xamanek:~$ debtags-edit
 Missing package index for tag database /var/lib/debtags/package-tags.idxpkg
 Debtags database has not been found.  Please run debtags update and try again

Does it want me to upgrade debtags-edit to match?  It looks like I'm
on a slippery slope towards an Unstable package-management
infrastructure; no thanks, I'm purge/reinstalling back to Testing.

>> And is there a way of seeing what has changed in the tags list,
>> other than stashing private backups and diffing?
> You can checkout old versions from the database and tagcoll diff.

I expect you can, but I'm best off sticking with what I've got.
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)

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