Recent debtags news

Benjamin Mesing bensmail at
Wed Sep 19 20:44:13 UTC 2007

> There are messages proposing many more tags, including a very long list
> of suggestions i got from Justin at Debconf, that I still need to go
> through.  The process of adding tags might need some improvement.  Would
> it make sense to open a bug on the 'debtags' package for every single
> one proposed tag, so it can be handled using an issue tracker?  

I would think, that a bug (or issue) tracking system would come in handy
here. I am not sure if the official BTS would be the way to go. But if
that would be done, it should probably be a virtual package
Right now, some suggestions might get lost in the archives of the
mailing list.
Note that we might have to deal with different vocabulary versions
(etch, lenny,..).

Regards Ben

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