r331 - in /web: deps/dep11.mdwn index.mdwn

mak at users.alioth.debian.org mak at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Oct 6 13:39:52 UTC 2016

Author: mak
Date: Thu Oct  6 13:39:47 2016
New Revision: 331

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/?sc=1&rev=331
Mark DEP-11 as accepted.

It has been implemented an in use for a long time now.


Added: web/deps/dep11.mdwn
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep11.mdwn?rev=331&op=file
--- web/deps/dep11.mdwn	(added)
+++ web/deps/dep11.mdwn	Thu Oct  6 13:39:47 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+[[!meta title="DEP 11: AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian"]]
+    Title: AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian
+    DEP: 11
+    State: ACCEPTED
+    Date: 2011-10-12
+    Drivers: Matthias Klumpp <mak at debian.org>,
+             Julian Andres Klode <jak at debian.org>,
+             Michael Vogt <mvo at debian.org>
+    URL: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep11
+    Source: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/dep/web/deps/dep11.mdwn
+    Abstract:
+     Proposal to increase the amount of upstream metadata provided by
+     Debian packages, as well as adding new files to Debian repositories
+     which provide all data required for the cross-distro metadata project
+     and software-center backend AppStream.
+While originally DEP-11 was a Debian-specific project to increase metadata provided
+by packages in Debian, most of its original ideas have been moved upstream into the
+AppStream project and are now implemented by AppStream itself.
+So, by now (2015) it is safe to say that DEP-11 is the implementation of AppStream for the
+Debian archive, providing a large amount of machine-upstream metadata to our users and
+clients like GNOME Software and KDE Discover.
+You can find the original (and outdated) proposal for DEP-11 [in the Debian Wiki](http://wiki.debian.org/AppStreamDebianProposal).
+All recent information is provided in the [AppStream documentation](http://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/)
+at Freedesktop, which contains all information needed for upstream projects (or in exceptions, packagers) to write the necessary
+metadata, as well as details on how it is shipped.
+The YAML implementation of the AppStream collection metadata format, also known as DEP-11, i
+[documented there](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/sect-AppStream-YAML.html) as well.
+The source-code of AppStream (the client tool and parser) can be found [on Github](https://github.com/ximion/appstream).
+Usage Instructions
+Information for users on how to enable and use AppStream in Debian is provided at [wiki.d.o/AppStream](https://wiki.debian.org/AppStream).
+Some useful information for packages can be found there as well, on [wiki.d.o/AppStream/Guidelines](https://wiki.debian.org/AppStream/Guidelines).
+Package data extraction
+The [appstream-generator](https://github.com/ximion/appstream-generator) tool periodically extracts metadata about software components
+from packages in the Debian archive. Its results are added to the archive by Dak.
+The output of the extractions and all issue hints for packagers, as well as the metadata itself, can be inspected at [appstream.d.o](https://appstream.debian.org/).

Modified: web/index.mdwn
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/index.mdwn?rev=331&op=diff
--- web/index.mdwn	(original)
+++ web/index.mdwn	Thu Oct  6 13:39:47 2016
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 **DRAFT**      | [*DEP 8: automatic as-installed package testing*](deps/dep8)
 **CANDIDATE**  | [*DEP 9: inet-superserver configuration by maintainer scripts*](deps/dep9)
 **RESERVED**   | *DEP 10: parallelized ("rolling") release management*
-**CANDIDATE**  | [*DEP 11: AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian*](http://wiki.debian.org/AppStreamDebianProposal)
+**ACCEPTED**   | [*DEP 11: AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian*](deps/dep11)
 **DRAFT**      | [*DEP 12: Per-package machine-readable metadata about Upstream*](deps/dep12)
 **DRAFT**      | [*DEP 13: Debian specific homepage field*](deps/dep13)
 **DRAFT**      | [*DEP 14: Recommended layout for Git packaging repositories*](deps/dep14)

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