[devscripts] 01/09: mk-origtargz: Adapt to typical coding style

James McCoy jamessan at debian.org
Thu Apr 24 04:40:22 UTC 2014

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jamessan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository devscripts.

commit 7eb443c2a7b5843f64da2d9772e7a7db89b5bd7e
Author: James McCoy <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Apr 21 10:19:05 2014 -0400

    mk-origtargz: Adapt to typical coding style
    Signed-off-by: James McCoy <jamessan at debian.org>
 scripts/mk-origtargz.pl | 417 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 208 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/mk-origtargz.pl b/scripts/mk-origtargz.pl
index bd7c9b7..45a5b15 100755
--- a/scripts/mk-origtargz.pl
+++ b/scripts/mk-origtargz.pl
@@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ use Dpkg::Control::Hash;
     eval { require Text::Glob; };
     if ($@) {
-        my $progname = basename($0);
-        if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Text\/Glob\.pm/) {
-            die "$progname: you must have the libtext-glob-perl package installed\nto use this script\n";
-        } else {
-            die "$progname: problem loading the Text::Glob module:\n  $@\nHave you installed the libtext-glob-perl package?\n";
-        }
+	my $progname = basename($0);
+	if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Text\/Glob\.pm/) {
+	    die "$progname: you must have the libtext-glob-perl package installed\nto use this script\n";
+	} else {
+	    die "$progname: problem loading the Text::Glob module:\n  $@\nHave you installed the libtext-glob-perl package?\n";
+	}
@@ -196,117 +196,117 @@ my $upstream = undef;
 # option parsing
 sub die_opts ($) {
-	pod2usage({-exitval => 3, -verbose => 1, -msg => shift @_});
+    pod2usage({-exitval => 3, -verbose => 1, -msg => shift @_});
 sub setmode {
-	my $newmode = shift @_;
-	if (defined $mode and $mode ne $newmode) {
-		die_opts (sprintf "--%s and --%s are mutually exclusive", $mode, $newmode);
-	}
-	$mode = $newmode;
+    my $newmode = shift @_;
+    if (defined $mode and $mode ne $newmode) {
+	die_opts (sprintf "--%s and --%s are mutually exclusive", $mode, $newmode);
+    }
+    $mode = $newmode;
-	"package=s" => \$package,
-	"version|v=s" => \$version,
-	"exclude-file=s" => \@exclude_globs,
-	"copyright-file=s" => \@copyright_files,
-	"compression=s" => \$compression,
-	"symlink" => \&setmode,
-	"rename" => \&setmode,
-	"copy" => \&setmode,
-	"repack" => \$repack,
-	"directory|C=s" => \$destdir,
-	"help|h" => sub { pod2usage({-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1}); },
+    "package=s" => \$package,
+    "version|v=s" => \$version,
+    "exclude-file=s" => \@exclude_globs,
+    "copyright-file=s" => \@copyright_files,
+    "compression=s" => \$compression,
+    "symlink" => \&setmode,
+    "rename" => \&setmode,
+    "copy" => \&setmode,
+    "repack" => \$repack,
+    "directory|C=s" => \$destdir,
+    "help|h" => sub { pod2usage({-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1}); },
 ) or pod2usage({-exitval => 3, -verbose=>1});
 $mode ||= "symlink";
 # sanity checks
 unless (compression_is_supported($compression)) {
-	die_opts (sprintf "Unknown compression scheme %s", $compression);
+    die_opts (sprintf "Unknown compression scheme %s", $compression);
 if (defined $package and not defined $version) {
-	die_opts "If you use --package, you also have to specify --version."
+    die_opts "If you use --package, you also have to specify --version."
 if (@ARGV != 1) {
-	die_opts "Please specify original tarball."
+    die_opts "Please specify original tarball."
 $upstream = $ARGV[0];
 # get information from debian/
 unless (defined $package) {
-	# get package name
-	open F, "debian/changelog" or die "debian/changelog: $!\n";
-	my $line = <F>;
-	close F;
-	unless ($line =~ /^(\S+) \((\S+)\)/) {
-		die "could not parse debian/changelog:1: $line";
-	}
-	$package = $1;
-	# get version number
-	unless (defined $version) {
-		$version = $2;
-		unless ($version =~ /-/) {
-			print "Package with native version number $version; mk-origtargz makes no sense for native packages.\n";
-			exit 0;
-		}
-		$version =~ s/(.*)-.*/$1/; # strip everything from the last dash
-		$version =~ s/^\d+://; # strip epoch
+    # get package name
+    open F, "debian/changelog" or die "debian/changelog: $!\n";
+    my $line = <F>;
+    close F;
+    unless ($line =~ /^(\S+) \((\S+)\)/) {
+	die "could not parse debian/changelog:1: $line";
+    }
+    $package = $1;
+    # get version number
+    unless (defined $version) {
+	$version = $2;
+	unless ($version =~ /-/) {
+	    print "Package with native version number $version; mk-origtargz makes no sense for native packages.\n";
+	    exit 0;
+	$version =~ s/(.*)-.*/$1/; # strip everything from the last dash
+	$version =~ s/^\d+://; # strip epoch
+    }
-	unshift @copyright_files, "debian/copyright"
-		if -r "debian/copyright";
+    unshift @copyright_files, "debian/copyright" if -r "debian/copyright";
-	# set destination directory
-	unless (defined $destdir) {
-		$destdir = "..";
-	}
+    # set destination directory
+    unless (defined $destdir) {
+	$destdir = "..";
+    }
 } else {
-	unless (defined $destdir) {
-		$destdir = ".";
-	}
+    unless (defined $destdir) {
+	$destdir = ".";
+    }
 for my $copyright_file (@copyright_files) {
-	# get files-excluded
-	my $data = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new();
-	my $okformat = qr'http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/[.\d]+';
-        eval {
-		$data->load($copyright_file);
-		1;
-        } or do {
-		undef $data;
-        };
-	if (not -e $copyright_file) {
-		uscan_die ("File $copyright_file not found.");
-	} elsif (   $data
-            && defined $data->{'format'}
-            && $data->{'format'} =~ m{^$okformat/?$})
-        {
-		if ($data->{'files-excluded'}) {
-			my @rawexcluded = ($data->{"files-excluded"} =~ /(?:\A|\G\s+)((?:\\.|[^\\\s])+)/g);
-			# un-escape
-			push @exclude_globs, map { s/\\(.)/$1/g; s?/+$??; $_ } @rawexcluded;
-		}
-	} else {
-		# be helpful
-		my $has_files_excluded = 0;
-		open COPYRIGHT, "debian/copyright" or die "debian/copyright $!\n";
-		$has_files_excluded ||= /Files-Excluded/i while (<COPYRIGHT>);
-		close COPYRIGHT;
-		print STDERR
-		      "WARNING: The file debian/copyright mentions Files-Excluded, but its ".
-		      "format is not recognized. Specify Format: ".
-		      "http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ ".
-		      "in order to remove files from the tarball with mk_origtargz.\n"
-					if ($has_files_excluded);
+    # get files-excluded
+    my $data = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new();
+    my $okformat = qr'http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/[.\d]+';
+    eval {
+	$data->load($copyright_file);
+	1;
+    } or do {
+	undef $data;
+    };
+    if (not -e $copyright_file) {
+	uscan_die ("File $copyright_file not found.");
+    } elsif (   $data
+	&& defined $data->{'format'}
+	&& $data->{'format'} =~ m{^$okformat/?$})
+    {
+	if ($data->{'files-excluded'})
+	{
+	    my @rawexcluded = ($data->{"files-excluded"} =~ /(?:\A|\G\s+)((?:\\.|[^\\\s])+)/g);
+	    # un-escape
+	    push @exclude_globs, map { s/\\(.)/$1/g; s?/+$??; $_ } @rawexcluded;
+    } else {
+	    # be helpful
+	    my $has_files_excluded = 0;
+	    open COPYRIGHT, "debian/copyright" or die "debian/copyright $!\n";
+	    $has_files_excluded ||= /Files-Excluded/i while (<COPYRIGHT>);
+	    close COPYRIGHT;
+	    print STDERR
+		  "WARNING: The file debian/copyright mentions Files-Excluded, but its ".
+		  "format is not recognized. Specify Format: ".
+		  "http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ ".
+		  "in order to remove files from the tarball with mk_origtargz.\n"
+				    if ($has_files_excluded);
+    }
@@ -315,31 +315,31 @@ for my $copyright_file (@copyright_files) {
 my $zip_regex = qr/\.(zip|jar)$/;
 # This makes more sense in Dpkg:Compression
 my $tar_regex = qr/\.(tar\.gz  |tgz
-                     |tar\.bz2 |tbz2?
-                     |tar.lzma |tlz(?:ma?)?
-                     |tar.xz   |txz)$/x;
+		     |tar\.bz2 |tbz2?
+		     |tar.lzma |tlz(?:ma?)?
+		     |tar.xz   |txz)$/x;
 my $is_zipfile = $upstream =~ $zip_regex;
 my $is_tarfile = $upstream =~ $tar_regex;
 unless (-e $upstream) {
-	die "Could not read $upstream: $!"
+    die "Could not read $upstream: $!"
 unless ($is_zipfile or $is_tarfile) {
-	# TODO: Should we ignore the name and only look at what file knows?
-	die "Parameter $upstream does not look like a tar archive or a zip file."
+    # TODO: Should we ignore the name and only look at what file knows?
+    die "Parameter $upstream does not look like a tar archive or a zip file."
 if ($is_tarfile and not $repack) {
-	# If we are not explicitly repacking, but need to generate a file
-	# (usually due to Files-Excluded), then we want to use the original
-	# compression scheme.
-	$compression = compression_guess_from_file ($upstream);
+    # If we are not explicitly repacking, but need to generate a file
+    # (usually due to Files-Excluded), then we want to use the original
+    # compression scheme.
+    $compression = compression_guess_from_file ($upstream);
-	if (not defined $compression) {
-		die "Unknown or no compression used in $upstream."
-	}
+    if (not defined $compression) {
+	die "Unknown or no compression used in $upstream."
+    }
@@ -358,45 +358,44 @@ my $zipfile_deleted = 0;
 # If the file is a zipfile, we need to create a tarfile from it.
 if ($is_zipfile) {
-	system('command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1') >> 8 == 0
-		or die("unzip binary not found. You need to install the package unzip to be able to repack .zip upstream archives.\n");
-        my $tempdir = tempdir ("uscanXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
-        # Parent of the target directory should be under our control
-        $tempdir .= '/repack';
-        mkdir $tempdir or uscan_die("Unable to mkdir($tempdir): $!\n");
-        system('unzip', '-q', '-a', '-d', $tempdir, $upstream_tar) == 0
-            or uscan_die("Repacking from zip or jar failed (could not unzip)\n");
-        # Figure out the top-level contents of the tarball.
-        # If we'd pass "." to tar we'd get the same contents, but the filenames would
-        # start with ./, which is confusing later.
-        # This should also be more reliable than, say, changing directories and globbing.
-        opendir(TMPDIR, $tempdir) || uscan_die("Can't open $tempdir $!\n");
-        my @files = grep {$_ ne "." && $_ ne ".."} readdir(TMPDIR);
-        close TMPDIR;
-        # tar it all up
-        spawn(exec => ['tar',
-		'--owner=root', '--group=root', '--mode=a+rX',
-		'--create', '--file', "$destfiletar",
-		'--directory', $tempdir,
-		@files],
-              wait_child => 1);
-        unless (-e "$destfiletar") {
-            uscan_die("Repacking from zip or jar to tar.$suffix failed (could not create tarball)\n");
-        }
-        compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $compression);
-	# rename means the user did not want this file to exit afterwards
-	if ($mode eq "rename") {
-		unlink $upstream_tar;
-		$zipfile_deleted++;
-	}
+    system('command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1') >> 8 == 0
+	or die("unzip binary not found. You need to install the package unzip to be able to repack .zip upstream archives.\n");
+    my $tempdir = tempdir ("uscanXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+    # Parent of the target directory should be under our control
+    $tempdir .= '/repack';
+    mkdir $tempdir or uscan_die("Unable to mkdir($tempdir): $!\n");
+    system('unzip', '-q', '-a', '-d', $tempdir, $upstream_tar) == 0
+	or uscan_die("Repacking from zip or jar failed (could not unzip)\n");
+    # Figure out the top-level contents of the tarball.
+    # If we'd pass "." to tar we'd get the same contents, but the filenames would
+    # start with ./, which is confusing later.
+    # This should also be more reliable than, say, changing directories and globbing.
+    opendir(TMPDIR, $tempdir) || uscan_die("Can't open $tempdir $!\n");
+    my @files = grep {$_ ne "." && $_ ne ".."} readdir(TMPDIR);
+    close TMPDIR;
+    # tar it all up
+    spawn(exec => ['tar',
+		   '--owner=root', '--group=root', '--mode=a+rX',
+		   '--create', '--file', "$destfiletar",
+		   '--directory', $tempdir,
+		   @files],
+	wait_child => 1);
+    unless (-e "$destfiletar") {
+	uscan_die("Repacking from zip or jar to tar.$suffix failed (could not create tarball)\n");
+    }
+    compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $compression);
+    # rename means the user did not want this file to exist afterwards
+    if ($mode eq "rename") {
+	unlink $upstream_tar;
+	$zipfile_deleted++;
+    }
-	$mode = "repack";
-	$upstream_tar = $destfile;
+    $mode = "repack";
+    $upstream_tar = $destfile;
 # From now on, $upstream_tar is guaranteed to be a compressed tarball. It is always
@@ -405,11 +404,11 @@ if ($is_zipfile) {
 # Find out if we have to repack
 my $do_repack = 0;
 if ($repack) {
-	my $comp = compression_guess_from_file($upstream_tar);
-        unless ($comp) {
-           uscan_die("Cannot determine compression method of $upstream_tar");
-        }
-	$do_repack = $comp ne $compression;
+    my $comp = compression_guess_from_file($upstream_tar);
+    unless ($comp) {
+	uscan_die("Cannot determine compression method of $upstream_tar");
+    }
+    $do_repack = $comp ne $compression;
@@ -418,66 +417,66 @@ my $deletecount = 0;
 my @to_delete;
 if (scalar @exclude_globs > 0) {
-	my @files;
-	my $files;
-	spawn(exec => ['tar', '-t', '-a', '-f', $upstream_tar],
-	      to_string => \$files,
-	      wait_child => 1);
-	@files = split /^/, $files;
-	chomp @files;
-	# find out what to delete
-	{
-		no warnings 'once';
-		$Text::Glob::strict_leading_dot = 0;
-		$Text::Glob::strict_wildcard_slash = 0;
-	}
-	for my $filename (@files) {
-		my $do_exclude = 0;
-		for my $exclude (@exclude_globs) {
-			$do_exclude ||=
-				Text::Glob::match_glob("$exclude",     $filename) ||
-				Text::Glob::match_glob("$exclude/",    $filename) ||
-				Text::Glob::match_glob("*/$exclude",   $filename) ||
-				Text::Glob::match_glob("*/$exclude/",  $filename);
-		}
-		push @to_delete, $filename if $do_exclude;
+    my @files;
+    my $files;
+    spawn(exec => ['tar', '-t', '-a', '-f', $upstream_tar],
+	  to_string => \$files,
+	  wait_child => 1);
+    @files = split /^/, $files;
+    chomp @files;
+    # find out what to delete
+    {
+	no warnings 'once';
+	$Text::Glob::strict_leading_dot = 0;
+	$Text::Glob::strict_wildcard_slash = 0;
+    }
+    for my $filename (@files) {
+	my $do_exclude = 0;
+	for my $exclude (@exclude_globs) {
+	    $do_exclude ||=
+		Text::Glob::match_glob("$exclude",     $filename) ||
+		Text::Glob::match_glob("$exclude/",    $filename) ||
+		Text::Glob::match_glob("*/$exclude",   $filename) ||
+		Text::Glob::match_glob("*/$exclude/",  $filename);
+	push @to_delete, $filename if $do_exclude;
+    }
-	# ensure files are mentioned before the directory they live in
-	# (otherwise tar complains)
-	@to_delete = sort {$b cmp $a}  @to_delete;
+    # ensure files are mentioned before the directory they live in
+    # (otherwise tar complains)
+    @to_delete = sort {$b cmp $a}  @to_delete;
-	$deletecount = scalar(@to_delete);
+    $deletecount = scalar(@to_delete);
 # Actually do the unpack, remove, pack cycle
 if ($do_repack || $deletecount) {
-	decompress_archive($upstream_tar, $destfiletar);
-	unlink $upstream_tar if $mode eq "rename";
-	spawn(exec => ['tar', '--delete', '--file', $destfiletar, @to_delete ]
-		,wait_child => 1) if scalar(@to_delete) > 0;
-	compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $compression);
-	# Symlink no longer makes sense
-	$mode = "repack";
-	$upstream_tar = $destfile;
+    decompress_archive($upstream_tar, $destfiletar);
+    unlink $upstream_tar if $mode eq "rename";
+    spawn(exec => ['tar', '--delete', '--file', $destfiletar, @to_delete ],
+	  wait_child => 1) if scalar(@to_delete) > 0;
+    compress_archive($destfiletar, $destfile, $compression);
+    # Symlink no longer makes sense
+    $mode = "repack";
+    $upstream_tar = $destfile;
 # Final step: symlink, copy or rename.
 my $same_name = abs_path($destfile) eq abs_path($upstream);
 unless ($same_name) {
-	if ($mode ne "repack") { die "Assertion failed" unless $upstream_tar eq $upstream; }
-	if ($mode eq "symlink") {
-		my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $upstream_tar, $destdir );
-		symlink $rel, $destfile;
-	} elsif ($mode eq "copy") {
-		copy $upstream_tar, $destfile;
-	} elsif ($mode eq "rename") {
-		move $upstream_tar, $destfile;
-	}
+    if ($mode ne "repack") { die "Assertion failed" unless $upstream_tar eq $upstream; }
+    if ($mode eq "symlink") {
+	my $rel = File::Spec->abs2rel( $upstream_tar, $destdir );
+	symlink $rel, $destfile;
+    } elsif ($mode eq "copy") {
+	copy $upstream_tar, $destfile;
+    } elsif ($mode eq "rename") {
+	move $upstream_tar, $destfile;
+    }
 # Tell the use what we did
@@ -486,26 +485,26 @@ my $upstream_nice = File::Spec->canonpath($upstream);
 my $destfile_nice = File::Spec->canonpath($destfile);
 if ($same_name) {
-	print "Leaving $destfile_nice where it is";
+    print "Leaving $destfile_nice where it is";
 } else {
-	if ($is_zipfile or $do_repack or $deletecount) {
-		print "Successfully repacked $upstream_nice as $destfile_nice";
-	} elsif ($mode eq "symlink") {
-		print "Successfully symlinked $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
-	} elsif ($mode eq "copy") {
-		print "Successfully copied $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
-	} elsif ($mode eq "rename") {
-		print "Successfully renamed $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
-	} else {
-		die "Unknown mode $mode."
-	}
+    if ($is_zipfile or $do_repack or $deletecount) {
+	print "Successfully repacked $upstream_nice as $destfile_nice";
+    } elsif ($mode eq "symlink") {
+	print "Successfully symlinked $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
+    } elsif ($mode eq "copy") {
+	print "Successfully copied $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
+    } elsif ($mode eq "rename") {
+	print "Successfully renamed $upstream_nice to $destfile_nice";
+    } else {
+	die "Unknown mode $mode."
+    }
 if ($deletecount) {
-	print ", deleting ${deletecount} files from it";
+    print ", deleting ${deletecount} files from it";
 if ($zipfile_deleted) {
-	print ", and removed the original file"
+    print ", and removed the original file"
 print ".\n";
@@ -515,14 +514,14 @@ sub decompress_archive($$) {
     my ($from_file, $to_file) = @_;
     my $comp = compression_guess_from_file($from_file);
     unless ($comp) {
-       uscan_die("Cannot determine compression method of $from_file");
+	uscan_die("Cannot determine compression method of $from_file");
     my $cmd = compression_get_property($comp, 'decomp_prog');
     spawn(exec => $cmd,
-        from_file => $from_file,
-        to_file => $to_file,
-        wait_child => 1);
+	  from_file => $from_file,
+	  to_file => $to_file,
+	  wait_child => 1);
 sub compress_archive($$$) {
@@ -531,8 +530,8 @@ sub compress_archive($$$) {
     my $cmd = compression_get_property($comp, 'comp_prog');
     push(@{$cmd}, '-'.compression_get_property($comp, 'default_level'));
     spawn(exec => $cmd,
-        from_file => $from_file,
-        to_file => $to_file,
-        wait_child => 1);
+	  from_file => $from_file,
+	  to_file => $to_file,
+	  wait_child => 1);
     unlink $from_file;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/devscripts.git

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