[Dict-common-dev] [help] French dicts for ispell

Nicolas Sabouret Nicolas.Sabouret@lip6.fr
Mon, 03 May 2004 09:47:49 +0200

Agustin Martin a =E9crit :
>>"ispell test.txt" works as supposed to : coeur and oeuvre are detected=20
>>as errors. However, ispell does not suggest the latin0 version. My 1st=20
>>question is : is there a way to tell ispell that oe is often an=20
>>ill-typed ? ?
> I think ispell has all that stuff hardcoded, while aspell has some lang=
> dependent phonetic code for that purpose that is configurable, and also
> myspell, although it calls that replacements

OK. I'll try to do it for myspell, at least.

>>"ispell -T latin1 test.txt" does not work as supposed : coeur and oeuvr=
>>are rejected while c?ur and ?uvre are accepted. Why ?
> May be is a problem of encodings at my site (plain latin1), but in the =
> section I see (=BD is the oe in one letter)
> altstringchar	=BD		=BD
> while you probably want something like
> altstringchar	oe		=BD

My god. I can't believe I am so stupid...
I copy-pasted and forgot to replace the chars.

Sorry for the annoyance.
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France