[Dwn-trans-commit] CVS german/2006/30

CVS User jseidel-guest dwn-trans-commit at lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 24 17:29:30 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/30
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv1835

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Applied translateOrphanedPackage script

--- /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/30/index.wml	2006/07/24 17:07:42	1.22
+++ /cvsroot/dwn-trans/german/2006/30/index.wml	2006/07/24 17:29:30	1.23
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #use wml::debian::weeklynews::header PUBDATE="2006-07-25" SUMMARY=""
 #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.26"
 #use wml::debian::acronyms
-# $Id: index.wml,v 1.22 2006/07/24 17:07:42 jseidel-guest Exp $ XXX
+# $Id: index.wml,v 1.23 2006/07/24 17:29:30 jseidel-guest Exp $ XXX
 <p>Willkommen zur 30. Ausgabe der DWN in diesem Jahr, dem wöchentlichen
 Newsletter der Debian-Gemeinschaft. Christoph Berg <a
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
 project to add and remove partner organisations currently authorised to hold
 assets for Debian.</p>
+#Jens: s/Fehlerdatenbank/Paketverfolgungssysten/!?
 <p><strong>Aktuelles zur Fehlerdatenbank.</strong> Raphaël Hertzog <a
 berichtete</a>, dass die Fehlerdatenbank dazu verwendet werden könne, 
@@ -317,12 +318,12 @@
     &mdash; Mathematical modelling language for optimisation problems.</li>
-<p><strong>Orphaned Packages.</strong> 42 packages were orphaned this week and
-require a new maintainer.  This makes a total of 357 orphaned packages.  Many
+<p><strong>Orphaned Packages.</strong> 42 packages were verwaist this week and
+require a new maintainer.  This makes a total of 357 verwaist packages.  Many
 thanks to the previous maintainers who contributed to the Free Software
 community.  Please see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/wnpp/">WNPP pages</a> for
 the full list, and please add a note to the bug report and retitle it to ITA:
-if you plan to take over a package.  To find out which orphaned packages are
+if you plan to take over a package.  To find out which verwaist packages are
 installed on your system the <code>wnpp-alert</code> program from <code>
 devscripts</code> may be helpful.</p>
@@ -504,43 +505,43 @@
 <li> kernel-latest-powerpc &mdash; Linux kernel headers on PowerPC
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/353717">Bug#353717</a>:
-     Request of maintainer, outdated, unmaintained
+     Bitte des Betreuers, veraltet, nicht betreut
 <li> kernel-image-2.4.27-alpha &mdash; Headers for building modules for Linux 2.4.27
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/367518">Bug#367518</a>:
-     Request of maintainer, outdated, not used anymore, ftbfs
+     Bitte des Betreuers, veraltet, nicht länger verwendet, FTBFS
 <li> sfio &mdash; Enhanced library for managing I/O streams (development)
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/279812">Bug#279812</a>:
-     Request of QA: rc-buggy, unmaintained, almost no users
+     Bitte von QA: RC-fehlerhaft, nicht betreut, fast keine Benutzer
 <li> doxymacs &mdash; E-lisp package for making doxygen usage easier under Emacs
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/321821">Bug#321821</a>:
-     Request of QA: rc-buggy, unmaintained, no users
+     Bitte von QA: RC-fehlerhaft, nicht betreut, keine Benutzer
 <li> tcltk8.0-ja &mdash; Japanese localised version of Tcl 8.0
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/360500">Bug#360500</a>:
-     Request of QA, uninstallable, obsolete version of Tcl/Tk
+     Bitte von QA, nicht installierbar, veraltete Version von Tcl/Tk
 <li> gnome-ruby &mdash; Ruby binding of libart
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/367680">Bug#367680</a>:
-     Request of maintainer: obsolete
+     Bitte des Betreuers: veraltet
 <li> xmule &mdash; eMule client for the edonkey2000 network
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/370524">Bug#370524</a>:
-     Request of maintainer, rc-buggy, unmaintained at the moment
+     Bitte des Betreuers, RC-fehlerhaft, im Moment nicht betreut
 <li> barrendero &mdash; delete messages on the spool dir depending on their age
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/378485">Bug#378485</a>:
-     Request of maintainer, old, unused, buggy
+     Bitte des Betreuers, alt, nicht verwendet, fehlerhaft
 <li> ipsc &mdash; IP Subnet Calculator for X
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/378772">Bug#378772</a>:
-     Request of QA, rc-buggy (uninstallable), obsolete, dead upstream, maintainer MIA
+     Bitte von QA, RC-fehlerhaft (nicht installierbar), veraltet, Upstream ist tot, Betreuer nicht erreichbar
 <li> ipfwadm &mdash; Linux 2.0.x firewalling tools
      <br><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/378548">Bug#378548</a>:
-     Request of QA: unmaintained, very outdated, doesn't work anymore on more recent kernels
+     Bitte von QA: nicht betreut, sehr veraltet, funktioniert nicht mehr bei aktuelleren Kernel

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