[Fingerforce-devel] Bug#512735: libfprint0: fails with 2.6.28-1

Didier Raboud didier at raboud.com
Mon Feb 9 13:42:12 UTC 2009

Le samedi 24 janvier 2009 02:54:37 Dererk, vous avez écrit :
> Hi Didier!
> First of all, thanks for caring about libfprint package.

Hi Dererk !

I use it and try to be a good Debian citizen, thus the bug report. :)

> Unfortunately I've somehow bad news for you. It's not something relating
> libfprint+2.6.28. This is because libfprint does not talk directly to
> kernel, it uses libusb which is in user space. Therefore it's something
> relating libusb+2.6.28 with libfprint :-(
> I'm afraid I've to say we will not support this branch of libfprint
> anylonger as we are centering our efforts on delivering an up-to-date
> release of a new branch of Fprint project, which will likely solve this
> problem and almost anyone else ones, and it will see the light *really*
> soon  =)

I'll wait for it then !

> Again, thanks for caring about libfprint and Debian.

My pleasure !

> Greetings,
> Dererk

Best regards and all my support !


Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1802 Corseaux
didier at raboud.com
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