[Forensics-changes] [volatility] 02/02: Imported Debian patch 2.6-1

Joao Eriberto Mota Filho eriberto at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 8 19:57:39 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eriberto pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository volatility.

commit 46c80f3518e2697ddbdea8bdfb728f2ddb8a4ba1
Merge: 727f8fa 20b72c2
Author: Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jan 1 18:52:44 2017 -0200

    Imported Debian patch 2.6-1

 AUTHORS.txt                   | 11 +++++
 CREDITS.txt                   | 14 +++++++
 debian/changelog              |  9 +++++
 debian/control                | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 debian/copyright              |  5 +--
 debian/manpage/create-man.sh  |  4 +-
 debian/manpage/volatility.1   | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 debian/manpage/volatility.txt | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 8 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index 772fcfb,0000000..313a379
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,258 -1,0 +1,267 @@@
++volatility (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
++  * New upstream release.
++  * debian/control: updated the description.
++  * debian/copyright: updated the copyright packaging years.
++  * debian/manpage/: updated all files to generate an updated 2.6 manpage.
++ -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sun, 01 Jan 2017 18:52:44 -0200
 +volatility (2.5+git20161224.736bc3a-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/rules: added a rm command in override_dh_auto_install target to
 +    remove the doxygen directory.
 +  * debian/source/lintian-overrides: removed. The upstream no longer uses the
 +    d3.js file directly.
 +  * debian/watch: updated.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sun, 25 Dec 2016 22:35:44 -0200
 +volatility (2.5+git20161121.ecd8a54-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/watch: updated.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Dec 2016 00:02:28 -0200
 +volatility (2.5+git20161026.75fb034-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/patches/10_python-macos-interpreter.patch: removed. The upstream
 +    fixed the source code. Thanks.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sun, 30 Oct 2016 11:58:56 -0200
 +volatility (2.5+git20161021.19d1211-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release. This release fixes partially an issue with Kernel
 +    Linux 4.7. (see #839754)
 +  * Bumped DH level to 10.
 +  * Using GitHub project page as official upstream homepage.
 +  * debian/control: updated the long description for volatility.
 +  * debian/copyright: updated some upstream copyright dates.
 +  * debian/manpages:
 +      - Changed from genallman.sh to create-man.sh.
 +      - Updated manpage as '2.6-pre' version.
 +  * debian/patches/10_python-macos-interpreter.patch: added to provides an
 +    interpreter for python in MacOs.
 +  * debian/rules:
 +      - Removed the --parallel option from dh.
 +      - Removed the override_dh_auto_build target.
 +  * debian/source/lintian-overrides: added to override a lintian mistake.
 +  * debian/volatility-tools.README.Debian: updated.
 +  * debian/watch: added a dversionmangle to ignore the current Git version.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sat, 22 Oct 2016 13:02:46 -0200
 +volatility (2.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/control:
 +      - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.8.
 +      - Fixed the name "openSUSE" in long description.
 +      - Updated the Vcs-* fields to use https instead of http and git.
 +  * debian/copyright: updated the packaging copyright years.
 +  * debian/manpage/: updated the manpage. (Closes: #824438)
 +  * debian/watch: bumped to version 4.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sun, 07 Aug 2016 18:54:34 -0300
 +volatility (2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/clean: not needed. Removed.
 +  * debian/control: updated the long description.
 +  * debian/copyright:
 +      - The upstream's README.txt says GPL-2+. So, updated the
 +        license in debian/copyright.
 +      - Relicensed the packaging to be compliant with upstream.
 +      - Updated all information.
 +  * debian/gbp.conf: not used by me... Removed.
 +  * debian/manpage/:
 +      - Updated the manpage.
 +      - Updated the genallman.sh to v0.3.
 +  * debian/source/options: not needed. Removed.
 +  * debian/volatility.docs: added AUTHORS.txt and CREDITS.txt.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sat, 21 Nov 2015 12:01:43 -0200
 +volatility (2.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * Upload to unstable. Welcome Jessie Stable.
 +  * debian/control: fixed the extra spaces between lines. Thanks to
 +      Davide Prina <davide.prina at gmail.com> (Closes: #768775)
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Wed, 29 Apr 2015 12:57:04 -0300
 +volatility (2.4.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/copyright:
 +      - Removed the block 'Files: tools/linux/pmem/pmem.c'. The pmem no longer
 +        exists in Volatility.
 +      - Removed not used 'Apache-2.0' licence text.
 +      - Updated the packaging copyright years.
 +  * debian/man/:
 +      - Little adjustments in manpage.
 +      - Renamed to debian/manpage/.
 +  * debian/rules: added the override_auto_clean target to remove some files
 +      forgotten by upstream.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:02:52 -0300
 +volatility (2.4-4) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * Upload to unstable.
 +  * debian/control: removed the Recommends field because volatility-profiles
 +      no longer exists in unstable/testing (see #766895).
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:17:36 -0200
 +volatility (2.4-3) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/copyright: added a new upstream site. See below.
 +  * debian/watch: The Volatility Project replied me a recent email
 +       message and the development site (GitHub) now uses tags.
 +       Thanks a lot to Jamie Levy (gleeda).
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Thu, 20 Nov 2014 19:09:46 -0200
 +volatility (2.4-2) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/watch: added a fake site to explain about the current
 +      status of the original upstream homepage.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Tue, 18 Nov 2014 08:45:16 -0200
 +volatility (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * debian/clean: added to remove some files generated by upstream when
 +      building.
 +  * debian/control:
 +      - Added dh-python as build dependency.
 +      - Added python-distorm3 and python-tz as install dependencies
 +        to volatility binary.
 +      - Fixed the name 'lime-forensics-dkms' in Suggests field.
 +      - Following the upstream README, changed X-Python-Version from
 +        >= 2.7 to 2.7.
 +      - Improved the long description.
 +      - Removed the volatility-profiles, a recommended package, from
 +        volatility binary. This package is dead and will be removed
 +        from Debian.
 +      - Updated the Standards-Version from 3.9.5 to 3.9.6.
 +  * debian/copyright:
 +      - Updated the Source field.
 +      - Updated the upstream names and copyright years.
 +  * debian/man/:
 +      - Changed the generator script from genman.sh to genallman.sh.
 +      - Removed (now) useless file 'notes'.
 +      - Updated the manpage.
 +  * debian/volatility-tools.README.Debian: improved.
 +  * debian/watch: deactivated because the new upstream site is using
 +      resources that can't be monitored.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:15:53 -0300
 +volatility (2.3.1-10) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * New maintainer email address.
 +  * debian/control: updated the Vcs-Browser field.
 +  * debian/man/:
 +      - Added genman.sh to automate the manpage creation.
 +      - Renamed volatility.1.header to header.txt.
 +  * debian/volatility-tools.dirs: removed because the
 +    volatility-tools.install file already creates the
 +    directory.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>  Fri, 08 Aug 2014 13:45:27 -0300
 +volatility (2.3.1-9) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/volatility-tools.README.Debian: updated the information about
 +    the new profile folder.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Mon, 31 Mar 2014 20:30:41 -0300
 +volatility (2.3.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/control: fixed the Vcs-Git field. Thanks to
 +    Mario Lang <mlang at debian.org> for report.
 +  * debian/watch: improved.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Fri, 21 Feb 2014 08:29:47 -0300
 +volatility (2.3.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/control: moved python from Depends to Suggests field in
 +    volatility-tools binary, to avoid unnecessary installs when
 +    making a Linux profile only. It is a special case.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:40:07 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/control: removed minimum python version from volatility-tools,
 +    to allow the profile creation on old versions of the distributions.
 +  * debian/volatility.lintian-overrides: useless; removed.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Thu, 30 Jan 2014 22:34:47 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * debian/control:
 +      - Added python as dependency in volatility-tools binary.
 +      - Changed the minimum python version from 2.6 to 2.7 in
 +        X-Python-Version field.
 +  * debian/*.install: added to create the volatility and volatility-tools
 +        packages.
 +  * debian/rules:
 +      - Changed in python setup line from --root=debian/volatility to
 +        --root=debian/tmp.
 +      - Removed the lines used to create the volatility-tool package.
 +        This is made by debian/*.install files now.
 +      - Removed the DESTDIR* lines.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:12:34 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-4) unstable; urgency=high
 +  * debian/control: changed yara to python-yara as volatility dependency.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Sun, 26 Jan 2014 16:42:27 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
 +  * Updated to unstable.
 +  * debian/control: updated the long description.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Fri, 17 Jan 2014 08:11:48 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium
 +  * New binary:
 +      - Created volatility-tools to provide, separately, the code used to
 +        generate profiles to Volatility.
 +      - Added the volatility-tools.dirs file to provides
 +        /usr/src/volatility-tools.
 +      - Added a README.Debian to talk about the profiles creation process.
 +      - Renamed debian/docs to debian/volatility.docs; debian/links to
 +        volatility.links; manpages to volatility.manpages.
 +      - Updated the debian/rules file.
 +  * debian/control:
 +      - Added volatility-tools and yara as volatility dependency.
 +      - Added volatility-profiles as volatility recommendation.
 +      - Bumped Standards-Version from 3.9.4 to 3.9.5.
 +  * debian/copyright:
 +      - Added Michael Prokop to maintainers.
 +      - Updated the packaging years.
 +  * debian/watch: improved.
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Tue, 07 Jan 2014 15:36:52 -0200
 +volatility (2.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Initial release (Closes: #728251)
 + -- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at eriberto.pro.br>  Sat, 02 Nov 2013 01:10:33 -0200
diff --cc debian/control
index 16cee8a,0000000..1963a89
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,103 -1,0 +1,115 @@@
 +Source: volatility
 +Section: utils
 +Priority: optional
 +Maintainer: Debian Forensics <forensics-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 +Uploaders: Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>,
 +           Michael Prokop <mika at debian.org>
- Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), python, dh-python
++Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), dh-python, python
 +X-Python-Version: 2.7
 +Standards-Version: 3.9.8
 +Homepage: https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility
 +Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/forensics/volatility.git
 +Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/forensics/volatility.git
 +Package: volatility
 +Architecture: all
- Suggests: lime-forensics-dkms, libraw1394-11
- Depends: ${misc:Depends},
-          ${python:Depends},
-          python-crypto,
++Suggests: libraw1394-11, lime-forensics-dkms
++Depends: python-crypto,
 +         python-distorm3,
 +         python-imaging,
 +         python-openpyxl,
 +         python-tz,
 +         python-yara,
-          volatility-tools (>= 2.4.1-1)
++         volatility-tools (>= 2.4.1-1),
++         ${misc:Depends},
++         ${python:Depends}
 +Description: advanced memory forensics framework
 + The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools for
 + the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.
 + It is useful in forensics analysis. The extraction techniques are
 + performed completely independent of the system being investigated but
 + offer unprecedented visibility into the runtime state of the system.
 + .
 + Volatility supports memory dumps from all major 32- and 64-bit Windows
 + versions and service packs. Whether your memory dump is in raw format,
 + a Microsoft crash dump, hibernation file, or virtual machine snapshot,
 + Volatility is able to work with it.
 + .
 + Linux memory dumps in raw or LiME format are supported too. There are
 + several plugins for analyzing memory dumps from 32- and 64-bit Linux
 + kernels and relevant distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE,
 + RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, Mandriva, etc.
 + .
 + Volatility also support several versions of Mac OSX memory dumps, both
 + 32- and 64-bit. Android phones with ARM processors are also supported.
 + .
 + These are some of the data that can be extracted from a memory image:
 +    - Image information (date, time, CPU count);
 +    - Running processes;
 +    - Open network sockets and connections;
 +    - OS kernel modules loaded;
 +    - Memory maps for each process;
 +    - Executables samples;
 +    - Command history;
 +    - Suspicious process mappings (i.e. injected code);
 +    - Passwords, as LM/NTLM hashes and LSA secrets;
 +    - Cached Truecrypt passphrases;
 +    - Others.
 + .
-  Current version (2.5) supports investigations of the memory images from
-  these operational systems:
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2012
-     - 64-bit Windows 2012 R2
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows 10
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows 7 (all service packs)
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (all service packs)
-     - 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 (all service packs)
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista (all service packs)
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2003 (all service packs)
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows XP (SP2 and SP3)
-     - 32- and 64-bit Linux kernels from 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
-     - 32-bit 10.5.x Leopard (the only 64-bit 10.5 is Server, which
-       isn't supported)
-     - 32- and 64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
-     - 32- and 64-bit 10.7.x Lion
++ Current version (2.6) supports investigations of the memory images from
++ the following operational systems:
++    - 32-bit Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3
++    - 32-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++    - 32-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++    - 32-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1, 2 (there is no SP0)
++    - 32-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0, 1
++    - 32-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
++    - 32-bit Windows 10 (initial support)
++    - 64-bit Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++    - 64-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++    - 64-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++    - 64-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++    - 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 Server Service Pack 0 and 1
++    - 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0 and 1
++    - 64-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
++    - 64-bit Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
++    - 64-bit Windows 10 (including at least 10.0.14393)
++    - 64-bit Windows Server 2016 (including at least 10.0.14393.0)
++    - 32-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
++    - 64-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
++    - 32-bit 10.5.x Leopard (the only 64-bit 10.5 is Server, which isn't
++      supported)
++    - 32-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++    - 64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++    - 32-bit 10.7.x Lion
++    - 64-bit 10.7.x Lion
 +    - 64-bit 10.8.x Mountain Lion (there is no 32-bit version)
 +    - 64-bit 10.9.x Mavericks (there is no 32-bit version)
 +    - 64-bit 10.10.x Yosemite (there is no 32-bit version)
 +    - 64-bit 10.11.x El Capitan (there is no 32-bit version)
++    - 64-bit 10.12.x Sierra (there is no 32-bit version)
 + .
 + Volatility supports a variety of sample file formats:
-     - Raw/Padded Physical Memory;
-     - Firewire (IEEE 1394);
-     - Expert Witness (EWF);
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Crash Dump;
-     - 32- and 64-bit Windows Hibernation;
-     - 32- and 64-bit MachO files;
-     - Virtualbox Core Dumps;
-     - VMware Saved State (.vmss) and Snapshot (.vmsn);
-     - HPAK Format (FastDump);
-     - QEMU memory dumps.
++    - Raw linear sample (dd)
++    - Hibernation file (from Windows 7 and earlier)
++    - Crash dump file
++    - VirtualBox ELF64 core dump
++    - VMware saved state and snapshot files
++    - EWF format (E01)
++    - LiME format
++    - Mach-O file format
++    - QEMU virtual machine dumps
++    - Firewire
++    - HPAK (FDPro)
 +Package: volatility-tools
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends: ${misc:Depends}, dwarfdump
 +Suggests: gcc, linux-headers, make, python, zip
 +Description: generate profiles to Volatility Framework
 + The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools for the
 + extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. It is
 + useful in forensics analysis.
 + .
 + This package provides the code used to generate Linux and MAC profiles to
 + Volatility.
diff --cc debian/copyright
index 50f8216,0000000..03b0ab7
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@@ -1,106 -1,0 +1,105 @@@
 +Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
 +Upstream-Name: volatility
 +Upstream-Contact: Volatility Foundation <info at volatilityfoundation.org>
 +Source: https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility
 +Files: *
- Copyright: 
-            ?         Joe Sylve - joe.sylve at gmail.com
++Copyright: ?         Joe Sylve - joe.sylve at gmail.com
 +           ?         Matthieu (Matt) Suiche
 +           ?         Philippe Teuwen <phil at teuwen.org>
 +           ?         Santiago Vicente
 +           2004      Commonwealth of Australia <{scudette,daveco}@users.sf.net>
 +           2004-2007 4tphi Research <{npetroni,awalters}@4tphi.net>
 +           2004-2007 Nick L. Petroni <npetroni at 4tphi.net>
 +           2004-2013 AAron Walters <awalters at 4tphi.net>
 +           2007-2014 Brendan Dolan-Gavitt <bdolangavitt at wesleyan.edu>
 +           2007-2014 Michael Cohen <scudette at gmail.com>
 +           2007-2014 Mike Auty <mike.auty at gmail.com>
 +           2007-2014 Timothy D. Morgan
 +           2007-2016 Andrew Case <atcuno at gmail.com>
 +           2007-2016 Volatility Foundation <info at volatilityfoundation.org>
 +           2009      Andreas Schuster <a.schuster at forensikblog.de>
 +           2010      Bradley Schatz <bradley at schatzforensic.com.au>
 +           2010-2012 Michael Hale Ligh <michael.ligh at mnin.org, michael.hale at gmail.com>
 +           2011-2013 Jamie Levy (Gleeda) <jamie.levy at gmail.com>
 +           2012      Nir Izraeli <nirizr at gmail.com>
 +           2012-2013 Cem Gurkok <cemgurkok at gmail.com>
 +           2014      CrowdStrike, Inc
 +License: GPL-2+
 +Files: volatility/plugins/addrspaces/crashbmp.py
 +       volatility/plugins/drivermodule.py
 +       volatility/plugins/dumpfiles.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/bash_hash.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/check_fops.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/check_inline_kernel.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/check_modules.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/check_syscall.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/find_file.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/hidden_modules.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/iomem.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/kernel_opened_files.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/keyboard_notifiers.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/ld_env.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/ldrmodules.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/libc_env.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/librarydump.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/lime.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/list_raw.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/lsmod.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/malfind.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/netfilter.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/procdump.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/process_hollow.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/proc_maps_rb.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/psenv.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/psxview.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/recover_filesystem.py
 +       volatility/plugins/linux/route_cache.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/bash_env.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/bash_hash.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/compressed_swap.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/dump_map.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/ldrmodules.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/list_raw.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/malfind.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/recover_filesystem.py
 +       volatility/plugins/mac/threads.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/linux/linux.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/crash_vtypes.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/hibernate_vtypes.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/pe_vtypes.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/ssdt_vtypes.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/vad_vtypes.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/win10.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/win8_kdbg.py
 +       volatility/plugins/overlays/windows/win8.py
 +       volatility/plugins/tcaudit.py
 +       volatility/poolscan.py
 +Copyright: 2007-2015 Volatility Foundation <info at volatilityfoundation.org>
 +           2010      Brendan Dolan-Gavitt <bdolangavitt at wesleyan.edu>
 +           2010-2014 Michael Ligh <michael.ligh at mnin.org>
 +           2011      Michael Cohen <scudette at gmail.com>
 +License: GPL-2
 +Files: debian/*
 +Copyright: 2013      Michael Prokop <mika at debian.org>
-            2013-2016 Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>
++           2013-2017 Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org>
 +License: GPL-2+
 +License: GPL-2 or GPL-2+
 + This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 + (at your option) any later version.
 + .
 + This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 + GNU General Public License for more details.
 + .
 + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 + along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 + .
 + On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
 + Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
diff --cc debian/manpage/create-man.sh
index d5a078c,0000000..7da13ea
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/manpage/create-man.sh
+++ b/debian/manpage/create-man.sh
@@@ -1,13 -1,0 +1,13 @@@
 +# by Eriberto
 +# Create the manpage using txt2man command.
- T2M_DATE="23 Oct 2016"
++T2M_DATE="01 Jan 2017"
- T2M_VERSION=2.6-pre
 +T2M_DESC="advanced memory forensics framework"
 +# Don't change the following line
 +txt2man -d "$T2M_DATE" -t $T2M_NAME -r $T2M_NAME-$T2M_VERSION -s $T2M_LEVEL -v "$T2M_DESC" $T2M_NAME.txt > $T2M_NAME.$T2M_LEVEL
diff --cc debian/manpage/volatility.1
index f047dbf,0000000..6cf6fdd
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/manpage/volatility.1
+++ b/debian/manpage/volatility.1
@@@ -1,491 -1,0 +1,520 @@@
 +.\" Text automatically generated by txt2man
- .TH volatility 1 "23 Oct 2016" "volatility-2.6-pre" "advanced memory forensics framework"
++.TH volatility 1 "01 Jan 2017" "volatility-2.6" "advanced memory forensics framework"
 +\fBvolatility \fP- advanced memory forensics framework
 +.fam C
 +\fBvolatility\fP [\fIoption\fP]
 +\fBvolatility\fP \fB-f\fP [\fIimage\fP] \fB--profile\fP=[profile] [\fIplugin\fP]
 +.fam T
 +.fam T
 +The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools for the
 +extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. It is
 +useful in forensics analysis. The extraction techniques are performed
 +completely independent of the system being investigated but offer
 +unprecedented visibility into the runtime state of the system.
- Currently, Volatility (version 2.6-pre) supports several versions of the
++Currently, Volatility (version 2.6) supports several versions of the
 +MS Windows, Linux and MAC OSX:
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows 10
++32-bit Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 64-bit Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
++32-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++.IP \(bu 3
++32-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++.IP \(bu 3
++32-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1, 2 (there is no SP0)
++.IP \(bu 3
++32-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0, 1
++.IP \(bu 3
++32-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows 8 and 8.1
++32-bit Windows 10 (initial support)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows 7 (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows 2008 R2 Server Service Pack 0 and 1
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0 and 1
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2003 (all service packs)
++64-bit Windows 10 (including at least 10.0.14393)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows XP (SP2 and SP3)
++64-bit Windows Server 2016 (including at least 10.0.14393.0)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Linux kernels from 2.6.11 to 3.16
++32-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +32-bit 10.5.x Leopard (the only 64-bit 10.5 is Server, which isn't supported)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++32-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit 10.7.x Lion
++32-bit 10.7.x Lion
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit 10.7.x Lion
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +64-bit 10.8.x Mountain Lion (there is no 32-bit version)
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +64-bit 10.9.x Mavericks (there is no 32-bit version)
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit 10.10.x Yosemite (there is no 32-bit version)
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit 10.11.x El Capitan (there is no 32-bit version)
++.IP \(bu 3
++64-bit 10.12.x Sierra (there is no 32-bit version)
 +The memory formats supported are:
 +.IP \(bu 3
- Raw/Padded Physical Memory
++Raw linear sample (dd)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- Firewire (IEEE 1394)
++Hibernation file (from Windows 7 and earlier)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- Expert Witness (EWF)
++Crash dump file
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Crash Dump
++VirtualBox ELF64 core dump
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit Windows Hibernation
++VMware saved state and snapshot files
 +.IP \(bu 3
- 32- and 64-bit MachO files
++EWF format (E01)
 +.IP \(bu 3
- Virtualbox Core Dumps
++LiME format
 +.IP \(bu 3
- VMware Saved State (.vmss) and Snapshot (.vmsn)
++Mach-O file format
 +.IP \(bu 3
- HPAK Format (FastDump)
++QEMU virtual machine dumps
 +.IP \(bu 3
- QEMU memory dumps
++.IP \(bu 3
++HPAK (FDPro)
 +The supported address spaces (RAM types) are:
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +AMD64PagedMemory - Standard AMD 64-bit address space.
 +.IP \(bu 3
- ArmAddressSpace - No docs.
++ArmAddressSpace - Address space for ARM processors.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +FileAddressSpace - This is a direct file AS.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +HPAKAddressSpace - This AS supports the HPAK format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +IA32PagedMemory - Standard IA-32 paging address space.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +IA32PagedMemoryPae - This class implements the IA-32 PAE paging address space. It is responsible.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +LimeAddressSpace - Address space for Lime.
 +.IP \(bu 3
++LinuxAMD64PagedMemory - Linux-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
++.IP \(bu 3
 +MachOAddressSpace - Address space for mach-o files to support atc-ny memory reader.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +OSXPmemELF - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +QemuCoreDumpElf - This AS supports Qemu ELF32 and ELF64 coredump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VMWareAddressSpace - This AS supports VMware snapshot (VMSS) and saved state (VMSS) files.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VMWareMetaAddressSpace - This AS supports the VMEM format with VMSN/VMSS metadata.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VirtualBoxCoreDumpElf64 - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +Win10AMD64PagedMemory - Windows 10-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +WindowsAMD64PagedMemory - Windows-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
 +.IP \(bu 3
- WindowsCrashDumpSpace32 - This AS supports Windows Crash Dump format.
++WindowsCrashDumpSpace32 - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
- WindowsCrashDumpSpace64 - This AS supports Windows Crash Dump format.
++WindowsCrashDumpSpace64 - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +WindowsCrashDumpSpace64BitMap - This AS supports Windows BitMap Crash Dump format.
 +.IP \(bu 3
- WindowsHiberFileSpace32 - This is a hibernate address space for Windows hibernation files.
++WindowsHiberFileSpace32 - This is a hibernate address space for windows hibernation files.
- There are RAM images for tests at https://code.google.com/p/\fBvolatility\fP/wiki/SampleMemoryImages
- or at https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/\fBvolatility\fP/wiki/Memory-Samples.
++There are RAM images for tests at https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/\fBvolatility\fP/wiki/Memory-Samples.
 +\fB-h\fP, \fB--help\fP
 +List all available options and their default values.
 +Default values may be set in the configuration file (/etc/volatilityrc).
 +User based configuration file.
 +\fB-d\fP, \fB--debug\fP
 +Debug Volatility.
 +Additional \fIplugin\fP directories to use (colon separated).
 +Print information about all registered objects.
 +Directory where cache files are stored.
 +Use caching.
 +Sets the timezone for displaying timestamps.
 +\fB-f\fP FILENAME, \fB--filename\fP=FILENAME
 +Filename to use when opening an \fIimage\fP.
 +Name of the profile to load.
 +\fB-l\fP LOCATION, \fB--location\fP=LOCATION
 +An URN location from which to load an address space.
 +\fB-w\fP, \fB--write\fP
 +Enable write support.
 +DTB Address.
 +Mac KASLR shift address.
 +Output in this format (format support is module specific).
 +Write output in this file.
 +\fB-v\fP, \fB--verbose\fP
 +Verbose information.
 +\fB-g\fP KDBG, \fB--kdbg\fP=KDBG
 +Specify a specific KDBG virtual address.
 +\fB-k\fP KPCR, \fB--kpcr\fP=KPCR
 +Specify a specific KPCR address.
 +Force utilization of suspect profile.
 +Specify the address of nt!ObHeaderCookie (valid for
 +Windows 10 only).
 +The supported \fIplugin\fP commands and profiles can be viewed if using the command '$ \fBvolatility\fP \fB--info\fP'.
 +Note that Linux and MAC OSX allowed plugins will have the 'linux_' and 'mac_' prefixes. Plugins without
 +these prefixes were designed for MS Windows.
 +Profiles are maps used by Volatility to understand the operational systems. The allowed MS Windows
 +profiles are provided by the Volatility.
 +You must create your own profiles for Linux and MAC OSX. For this, on Debian systems,
 +read the README.Debian file provided by \fBvolatility\fP-tools package.
 +On MS Windows, to determine the OS type, you can use:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-f <image> imageinfo
 +    or
 +    $ volatility \-f <image> kdbgscan
 +.fam T
 +On a GNU/Linux or OS X system, these variables can be set:
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VOLATILITY_PROFILE - Specifies a profile to be used as default, making unnecessary a '\fB--profile\fP' \fIoption\fP.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VOLATILITY_LOCATION - Specifies the path of an \fIimage\fP. So, the Volatility command will not need a file name via '\fB-f\fP' \fIoption\fP.
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +VOLATILITY_KDBG - Specifies a KDBG address. See EXTRA PROCEDURES to more details.
 +Other \fIplugin\fP flags may be utilized in this way, for example KPCR, DTB or PLUGINS. When exporting
 +variables, simply prefix VOLATILITY_ before the flag name (e.g. VOLATILITY_KPCR). Otherwise, the
 +flag name remains the same when adding it to the configuration file.
 +If you have a path with a space or more in the name, spaces should be replaced with %20 instead
 +(e.g. LOCATION=file:///tmp/my%20image.img).
 +.fam C
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_PROFILE=Win7SP0x86
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_LOCATION=file:///tmp/myimage.img
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_KDBG=0x82944c28
 +.fam T
 +Configuration files are typically 'volatilityrc' in the current directory or '~/.volatilityrc' in
 +user's home directory, or at user specified path, using the \fB--conf-file\fP \fIoption\fP. An example of the
 +file contents is shown below:
 +.fam C
 +    [DEFAULT]
 +    PROFILE=Win7SP0x86
 +    LOCATION=file:///tmp/myimage.img
 +    KDBG=0x82944c28
 +.fam T
 +Other \fIplugin\fP flags may be utilized in this way, for example KPCR, DTB or PLUGINS. When exporting
 +variables, simply prefix VOLATILITY_ before the flag name (e.g. VOLATILITY_KPCR). Otherwise, the
 +flag name remains the same when adding it to the configuration file.
 +If you have a path with a space or more in the name, spaces should be replaced with %20 instead
 +(e.g. LOCATION=file:///tmp/my%20image.img).
 +Setting a timezone
 +.fam C
 +   Timestamps extracted from memory can either be in system-local time, or in Universal Time
 +   Coordinates (UTC). If they're in UTC, Volatility can be instructed to display them in a time zone
 +   of the analyst's choosing. To choose a timezone, use one of the standard timezone names
 +   (such as America/Sao_Paulo, Europe/London, US/Eastern or most Olson timezones) with the \-\-tz=TIMEZONE flag.
 +   Volatility attempts to use pytz if installed, otherwise it uses tzset.
 +   Please note that specifying a timezone will not affect how system-local times are displayed. If you identify
 +   a time that you know is UTC-based, please file it as an issue in the issue tracker. By default the _EPROCESS
 +   CreateTime and ExitTime timestamps are in UTC.
 +.fam T
 +Setting the DTB
 +.fam C
 +   The DTB (Directory Table Base) is what Volatility uses to translate virtual addresses to physical addresses.
 +   By default, a kernel DTB is used (from the Idle/System process). If you want to use a different process's DTB
 +   when accessing data, supply the address to \-\-dtb=ADDRESS.
 +.fam T
 +Setting the KDBG address (this is a Windows-only \fIoption\fP)
 +.fam C
 +   Volatility scans for the '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64' structure using hard-coded signatures "KDBG" and a series of sanity
 +   checks. These signatures are not critical for the operating system to function properly, thus malware can overwrite
 +   them in attempt to throw off tools that do rely on the signature. Additionally, in some cases there may be more
 +   than one '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64' (for example if you apply a major OS update and don't reboot), which can cause confusion
 +   and lead to incorrect process and module listings, among other problems. If you know the address
 +   add '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64', you can specify it with \-\-kdbg=ADDRESS and this override the automated scans. For more
 +   information, see the kdbgscan plugin.
 +.fam T
 +Setting the KPCR address (this is a Windows-only \fIoption\fP)
 +.fam C
 +   There is one KPCR (Kernel Processor Control Region) for each CPU on a system. Some Volatility plugins display
 +   per-processor information. Thus if you want to display data for a specific CPU, for example CPU 3 instead of
 +   CPU 1, you can pass the address of that CPU's KPCR with \-\-kpcr=ADDRESS. To locate the KPCRs for all CPUs, see
 +   the kpcrscan plugin. Also note that starting in Volatility 2.2, many of the plugins such as idt and gdt
 +   automatically iterate through the list of KPCRs.
 +.fam T
 +Enabling write support
 +.fam C
 +   Write support in Volatility should be used with caution. Therefore, to actually enable it, you must not only type
 +   \-\-write on command-line but you must type a 'password' in response to a question that you'll be prompted with.
 +   In most cases you will not want to use write support since it can lead to corruption or modification of data in
 +   your memory dump. However, special cases exist that make this feature really interesting. For example, you could
 +   cleanse a live system of certain malware by writing to RAM over firewire, or you could break into a locked workstation
 +   by patching bytes in the winlogon DLLs.
 +.fam T
 +Specifying additional \fIplugin\fP directories
 +.fam C
 +   Volatility's plugin architecture can load plugin files from multiple directories at once. In the Volatility source
 +   code, most plugins are located in volatility/plugins. However, there is another directory (volatility/contrib)
 +   which is reserved for contributions from third party developers, or weakly supported plugins that simply aren't
 +   enabled by default. To access these plugins you just type \-\-plugins=contrib/plugins on command-line. It also enables
 +   you to create a separate directory of your own plugins that you can manage without having to add/remove/modify files
 +   in the core Volatility directories.
 +.fam T
 +.fam C
 +   On Debian systems, the contrib/plugins directory is at /usr/share/volatility/contrib/plugins.
 +   Subdirectories will also be traversed as long as there is an __init__.py file (which can be empty) within them.
 +   The parameter to \-\-plugins can also be a zip file containing the plugins such as \-\-plugins=myplugins.zip.
 +   Due to the way plugins are loaded, the external plugins directory or zip file must be specified before any
 +   plugin-specific arguments (including the name of the plugin). Example:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-\-plugins=contrib/plugins \-f XPSP3x86.vmem example
 +.fam T
 +Choosing an output format
 +.fam C
 +   By default, plugins use text renderers to standard output. If you want to redirect to a file, you can of course
 +   use the console's redirection (i.e. > out.txt) or you could use \-\-output-file=out.txt. The reason you can also
 +   choose \-\-output=FORMAT is for allowing plugins to also render output as HTML, JSON, SQL, or whatever you choose.
 +   However, there are no plugins with those alternate output formats pre-configured for use, so you'll need to add
 +   a function named render_html, render_json, render_sql, respectively to each plugin before using \-\-output=HTML.
 +.fam T
 +Plugin specific options
 +.fam C
 +   Many plugins accept arguments of their own, which are independent of the global options. To see the list of
 +   available options, type both the plugin name and \-h/--help on command-line.
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility dlllist \-h
 +.fam T
 +Debug mode
 +.fam C
 +   If something isn't happening in Volatility the expected way, try to run the command with \-d/\-\-debug.
 +   This will enable the printing of debug messages to standard error. To more debug levels, as in using
 +   pdb debugger), add \-d \-d \-d to command.
 +.fam T
 +Using Volatility as a library
 +.fam C
 +   Although its possible to use Volatility as a library, (there are plans to support it better in the future).
 +   Currently, to import Volatility from a python script, the following example code can be used:
 +.fam C
 +    $ python
 +    >>> import volatility.conf as conf
 +    >>> import volatility.registry as registry
 +    >>> registry.PluginImporter()
 +    <volatility.registry.PluginImporter object at 0x7f9608f3ac10>
 +    >>> config = conf.ConfObject()
 +    >>> import volatility.commands as commands
 +    >>> import volatility.addrspace as addrspace
 +    >>> registry.register_global_options(config, commands.Command)
 +    >>> registry.register_global_options(config, addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
 +    >>> config.parse_options()
 +    >>> config.PROFILE="WinXPSP2x86"
 +    >>> config.LOCATION = "file:///media/memory/private/image.dmp"
 +    >>> import volatility.plugins.taskmods as taskmods
 +    >>> p = taskmods.PSList(config)
 +    >>> for process in p.calculate():
 +    \.\.\.   print process
 +.fam T
 +To see all available plugins, profiles, scanner checks and address spaces:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-\-info
 +.fam T
 +To list all active processes found in a MS Windows 8 SP0 \fIimage\fP:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-f win8.raw \-\-profile=Win8SP0x86 pslist
 +.fam T
 +To list all active processes found in a MS Windows 8 SP0 \fIimage\fP, using a timezone:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-f win8.raw \-\-profile=Win8SP0x86 pslist \-\-tz=America/Sao_Paulo
 +.fam T
- To show the kernel bnuffer from a Linux 3.2.63 \fIimage\fP:
++To show the kernel buffer from a Linux 3.2.63 \fIimage\fP:
 +.fam C
 +    $ volatility \-f mem.dd \-\-profile=Linux_3_2_63_x64 linux_dmesg
 +.fam T
 +This manpage was based in some tests and several official documents about Volatility.
 +For other information and tutorials, see:
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +.IP \(bu 3
 +Volatility was written by Volatility Foundation and several contributors. For contact, use the email <info at volatilityfoundation.org>.
 +This manual page was written by Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
diff --cc debian/manpage/volatility.txt
index 9405f02,0000000..5441fd2
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/manpage/volatility.txt
+++ b/debian/manpage/volatility.txt
@@@ -1,293 -1,0 +1,307 @@@
 +  volatility - advanced memory forensics framework
 +  volatility [option]
 +  volatility -f [image] --profile=[profile] [plugin]
 +  The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools for the
 +  extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. It is
 +  useful in forensics analysis. The extraction techniques are performed
 +  completely independent of the system being investigated but offer
 +  unprecedented visibility into the runtime state of the system.
-   Currently, Volatility (version 2.6-pre) supports several versions of the
++  Currently, Volatility (version 2.6) supports several versions of the
 +  MS Windows, Linux and MAC OSX:
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows 10
-    * 64-bit Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows 8 and 8.1
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows 7 (all service packs)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (all service packs)
-    * 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 (all service packs)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2008 (all service packs)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Vista (all service packs)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Server 2003 (all service packs)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows XP (SP2 and SP3)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Linux kernels from 2.6.11 to 3.16
++   * 32-bit Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3
++   * 32-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++   * 32-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++   * 32-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1, 2 (there is no SP0)
++   * 32-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0, 1
++   * 32-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
++   * 32-bit Windows 10 (initial support)
++   * 64-bit Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++   * 64-bit Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++   * 64-bit Windows Vista Service Pack 0, 1, 2
++   * 64-bit Windows 2008 Server Service Pack 1 and 2 (there is no SP0)
++   * 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 Server Service Pack 0 and 1
++   * 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 0 and 1
++   * 64-bit Windows 8, 8.1, and 8.1 Update 1
++   * 64-bit Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 
++   * 64-bit Windows 10 (including at least 10.0.14393)
++   * 64-bit Windows Server 2016 (including at least 10.0.14393.0)
++   * 32-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
++   * 64-bit Linux kernels 2.6.11 to 4.2.3
 +   * 32-bit 10.5.x Leopard (the only 64-bit 10.5 is Server, which isn't supported)
-    * 32- and 64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
-    * 32- and 64-bit 10.7.x Lion
++   * 32-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++   * 64-bit 10.6.x Snow Leopard
++   * 32-bit 10.7.x Lion
++   * 64-bit 10.7.x Lion
 +   * 64-bit 10.8.x Mountain Lion (there is no 32-bit version)
 +   * 64-bit 10.9.x Mavericks (there is no 32-bit version)
++   * 64-bit 10.10.x Yosemite (there is no 32-bit version)
++   * 64-bit 10.11.x El Capitan (there is no 32-bit version)
++   * 64-bit 10.12.x Sierra (there is no 32-bit version)
 +  The memory formats supported are:
-    * Raw/Padded Physical Memory
-    * Firewire (IEEE 1394)
-    * Expert Witness (EWF)
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Crash Dump
-    * 32- and 64-bit Windows Hibernation
-    * 32- and 64-bit MachO files
-    * Virtualbox Core Dumps
-    * VMware Saved State (.vmss) and Snapshot (.vmsn)
-    * HPAK Format (FastDump)
-    * QEMU memory dumps
++   * Raw linear sample (dd)
++   * Hibernation file (from Windows 7 and earlier)
++   * Crash dump file
++   * VirtualBox ELF64 core dump
++   * VMware saved state and snapshot files
++   * EWF format (E01)
++   * LiME format
++   * Mach-O file format
++   * QEMU virtual machine dumps
++   * Firewire
++   * HPAK (FDPro)
 +  The supported address spaces (RAM types) are:
 +   * AMD64PagedMemory - Standard AMD 64-bit address space.
-    * ArmAddressSpace - No docs.
++   * ArmAddressSpace - Address space for ARM processors.
 +   * FileAddressSpace - This is a direct file AS.
 +   * HPAKAddressSpace - This AS supports the HPAK format.
 +   * IA32PagedMemory - Standard IA-32 paging address space.
 +   * IA32PagedMemoryPae - This class implements the IA-32 PAE paging address space. It is responsible.
 +   * LimeAddressSpace - Address space for Lime.
++   * LinuxAMD64PagedMemory - Linux-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
 +   * MachOAddressSpace - Address space for mach-o files to support atc-ny memory reader.
 +   * OSXPmemELF - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format.
 +   * QemuCoreDumpElf - This AS supports Qemu ELF32 and ELF64 coredump format.
 +   * VMWareAddressSpace - This AS supports VMware snapshot (VMSS) and saved state (VMSS) files.
 +   * VMWareMetaAddressSpace - This AS supports the VMEM format with VMSN/VMSS metadata.
 +   * VirtualBoxCoreDumpElf64 - This AS supports VirtualBox ELF64 coredump format.
 +   * Win10AMD64PagedMemory - Windows 10-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
 +   * WindowsAMD64PagedMemory - Windows-specific AMD 64-bit address space.
-    * WindowsCrashDumpSpace32 - This AS supports Windows Crash Dump format.
-    * WindowsCrashDumpSpace64 - This AS supports Windows Crash Dump format.
++   * WindowsCrashDumpSpace32 - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format.
++   * WindowsCrashDumpSpace64 - This AS supports windows Crash Dump format.
 +   * WindowsCrashDumpSpace64BitMap - This AS supports Windows BitMap Crash Dump format.
-    * WindowsHiberFileSpace32 - This is a hibernate address space for Windows hibernation files.
++   * WindowsHiberFileSpace32 - This is a hibernate address space for windows hibernation files.
-   There are RAM images for tests at https://code.google.com/p/volatility/wiki/SampleMemoryImages
-   or at https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Memory-Samples.
++  There are RAM images for tests at https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki/Memory-Samples.
 +  -h, --help            List all available options and their default values.
 +                        Default values may be set in the configuration file (/etc/volatilityrc).
 +  --conf-file=/root/.volatilityrc  User based configuration file.
 +  -d, --debug           Debug Volatility.
 +  --plugins=PLUGINS     Additional plugin directories to use (colon separated).
 +  --info                Print information about all registered objects.
 +  --cache-directory=/root/.cache/volatility  Directory where cache files are stored.
 +  --cache               Use caching.
 +  --tz=TZ               Sets the timezone for displaying timestamps.
 +  -f FILENAME, --filename=FILENAME  Filename to use when opening an image.
 +  --profile=WinXPSP2x86  Name of the profile to load.
 +  -l LOCATION, --location=LOCATION  An URN location from which to load an address space.
 +  -w, --write           Enable write support.
 +  --dtb=DTB             DTB Address.
 +  --shift=SHIFT         Mac KASLR shift address.
 +  --output=text         Output in this format (format support is module specific).
 +  --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE  Write output in this file.
 +  -v, --verbose         Verbose information.
 +  -g KDBG, --kdbg=KDBG  Specify a specific KDBG virtual address.
 +  -k KPCR, --kpcr=KPCR  Specify a specific KPCR address.
 +  --force               Force utilization of suspect profile.
 +  --cookie=COOKIE       Specify the address of nt!ObHeaderCookie (valid for
 +                        Windows 10 only).
 +  The supported plugin commands and profiles can be viewed if using the command '$ volatility --info'.
 +  Note that Linux and MAC OSX allowed plugins will have the 'linux_' and 'mac_' prefixes. Plugins without
 +  these prefixes were designed for MS Windows.
 +  Profiles are maps used by Volatility to understand the operational systems. The allowed MS Windows
 +  profiles are provided by the Volatility.
 +  You must create your own profiles for Linux and MAC OSX. For this, on Debian systems,
 +  read the README.Debian file provided by volatility-tools package.
 +  On MS Windows, to determine the OS type, you can use:
 +    $ volatility \-f <image> imageinfo
 +    or
 +    $ volatility \-f <image> kdbgscan
 +  On a GNU/Linux or OS X system, these variables can be set:
 +   * VOLATILITY_PROFILE - Specifies a profile to be used as default, making unnecessary a '--profile' option.
 +   * VOLATILITY_LOCATION - Specifies the path of an image. So, the Volatility command will not need a file name via '-f' option.
 +   * VOLATILITY_KDBG - Specifies a KDBG address. See EXTRA PROCEDURES to more details.
 +  Other plugin flags may be utilized in this way, for example KPCR, DTB or PLUGINS. When exporting
 +  variables, simply prefix VOLATILITY_ before the flag name (e.g. VOLATILITY_KPCR). Otherwise, the
 +  flag name remains the same when adding it to the configuration file.
 +  If you have a path with a space or more in the name, spaces should be replaced with %20 instead
 +  (e.g. LOCATION=file:///tmp/my%20image.img).
 +  Example:
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_PROFILE=Win7SP0x86
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_LOCATION=file:///tmp/myimage.img
 +    $ export VOLATILITY_KDBG=0x82944c28
 +  Configuration files are typically 'volatilityrc' in the current directory or '~/.volatilityrc' in
 +  user's home directory, or at user specified path, using the --conf-file option. An example of the
 +  file contents is shown below:
 +    [DEFAULT]
 +    PROFILE=Win7SP0x86
 +    LOCATION=file:///tmp/myimage.img
 +    KDBG=0x82944c28
 +  Other plugin flags may be utilized in this way, for example KPCR, DTB or PLUGINS. When exporting
 +  variables, simply prefix VOLATILITY_ before the flag name (e.g. VOLATILITY_KPCR). Otherwise, the
 +  flag name remains the same when adding it to the configuration file.
 +  If you have a path with a space or more in the name, spaces should be replaced with %20 instead
 +  (e.g. LOCATION=file:///tmp/my%20image.img).
 +  Setting a timezone
 +   Timestamps extracted from memory can either be in system-local time, or in Universal Time
 +   Coordinates (UTC). If they're in UTC, Volatility can be instructed to display them in a time zone
 +   of the analyst's choosing. To choose a timezone, use one of the standard timezone names
 +   (such as America/Sao_Paulo, Europe/London, US/Eastern or most Olson timezones) with the \-\-tz=TIMEZONE flag.
 +   Volatility attempts to use pytz if installed, otherwise it uses tzset.
 +   Please note that specifying a timezone will not affect how system-local times are displayed. If you identify
 +   a time that you know is UTC-based, please file it as an issue in the issue tracker. By default the _EPROCESS
 +   CreateTime and ExitTime timestamps are in UTC.
 +  Setting the DTB
 +   The DTB (Directory Table Base) is what Volatility uses to translate virtual addresses to physical addresses.
 +   By default, a kernel DTB is used (from the Idle/System process). If you want to use a different process's DTB
 +   when accessing data, supply the address to \-\-dtb=ADDRESS.
 +  Setting the KDBG address (this is a Windows-only option)
 +   Volatility scans for the '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64' structure using hard-coded signatures "KDBG" and a series of sanity
 +   checks. These signatures are not critical for the operating system to function properly, thus malware can overwrite
 +   them in attempt to throw off tools that do rely on the signature. Additionally, in some cases there may be more
 +   than one '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64' (for example if you apply a major OS update and don't reboot), which can cause confusion
 +   and lead to incorrect process and module listings, among other problems. If you know the address
 +   add '_KDDEBUGGER_DATA64', you can specify it with \-\-kdbg=ADDRESS and this override the automated scans. For more
 +   information, see the kdbgscan plugin.
 +  Setting the KPCR address (this is a Windows-only option)
 +   There is one KPCR (Kernel Processor Control Region) for each CPU on a system. Some Volatility plugins display
 +   per-processor information. Thus if you want to display data for a specific CPU, for example CPU 3 instead of
 +   CPU 1, you can pass the address of that CPU's KPCR with \-\-kpcr=ADDRESS. To locate the KPCRs for all CPUs, see
 +   the kpcrscan plugin. Also note that starting in Volatility 2.2, many of the plugins such as idt and gdt
 +   automatically iterate through the list of KPCRs.
 +  Enabling write support
 +   Write support in Volatility should be used with caution. Therefore, to actually enable it, you must not only type
 +   \-\-write on command-line but you must type a 'password' in response to a question that you'll be prompted with.
 +   In most cases you will not want to use write support since it can lead to corruption or modification of data in
 +   your memory dump. However, special cases exist that make this feature really interesting. For example, you could
 +   cleanse a live system of certain malware by writing to RAM over firewire, or you could break into a locked workstation
 +   by patching bytes in the winlogon DLLs.
 +  Specifying additional plugin directories
 +   Volatility's plugin architecture can load plugin files from multiple directories at once. In the Volatility source
 +   code, most plugins are located in volatility/plugins. However, there is another directory (volatility/contrib)
 +   which is reserved for contributions from third party developers, or weakly supported plugins that simply aren't
 +   enabled by default. To access these plugins you just type \-\-plugins=contrib/plugins on command-line. It also enables
 +   you to create a separate directory of your own plugins that you can manage without having to add/remove/modify files
 +   in the core Volatility directories.
 +  Notes:
 +   On Debian systems, the contrib/plugins directory is at /usr/share/volatility/contrib/plugins.
 +   Subdirectories will also be traversed as long as there is an __init__.py file (which can be empty) within them.
 +   The parameter to \-\-plugins can also be a zip file containing the plugins such as \-\-plugins=myplugins.zip.
 +   Due to the way plugins are loaded, the external plugins directory or zip file must be specified before any
 +   plugin-specific arguments (including the name of the plugin). Example:
 +    $ volatility \-\-plugins=contrib/plugins \-f XPSP3x86.vmem example
 +  Choosing an output format
 +   By default, plugins use text renderers to standard output. If you want to redirect to a file, you can of course
 +   use the console's redirection (i.e. > out.txt) or you could use \-\-output-file=out.txt. The reason you can also
 +   choose \-\-output=FORMAT is for allowing plugins to also render output as HTML, JSON, SQL, or whatever you choose.
 +   However, there are no plugins with those alternate output formats pre-configured for use, so you'll need to add
 +   a function named render_html, render_json, render_sql, respectively to each plugin before using \-\-output=HTML.
 +  Plugin specific options
 +   Many plugins accept arguments of their own, which are independent of the global options. To see the list of
 +   available options, type both the plugin name and \-h/--help on command-line.
 +    $ volatility dlllist \-h
 +  Debug mode
 +   If something isn't happening in Volatility the expected way, try to run the command with \-d/\-\-debug.
 +   This will enable the printing of debug messages to standard error. To more debug levels, as in using
 +   pdb debugger), add \-d \-d \-d to command.
 +  Using Volatility as a library
 +   Although its possible to use Volatility as a library, (there are plans to support it better in the future).
 +   Currently, to import Volatility from a python script, the following example code can be used:
 +    $ python
 +    >>> import volatility.conf as conf
 +    >>> import volatility.registry as registry
 +    >>> registry.PluginImporter()
 +    <volatility.registry.PluginImporter object at 0x7f9608f3ac10>
 +    >>> config = conf.ConfObject()
 +    >>> import volatility.commands as commands
 +    >>> import volatility.addrspace as addrspace
 +    >>> registry.register_global_options(config, commands.Command)
 +    >>> registry.register_global_options(config, addrspace.BaseAddressSpace)
 +    >>> config.parse_options()
 +    >>> config.PROFILE="WinXPSP2x86"
 +    >>> config.LOCATION = "file:///media/memory/private/image.dmp"
 +    >>> import volatility.plugins.taskmods as taskmods
 +    >>> p = taskmods.PSList(config)
 +    >>> for process in p.calculate():
 +    ...   print process
 +  To see all available plugins, profiles, scanner checks and address spaces:
 +    $ volatility \-\-info
 +  To list all active processes found in a MS Windows 8 SP0 image:
 +    $ volatility \-f win8.raw \-\-profile=Win8SP0x86 pslist
 +  To list all active processes found in a MS Windows 8 SP0 image, using a timezone:
 +    $ volatility \-f win8.raw \-\-profile=Win8SP0x86 pslist \-\-tz=America/Sao_Paulo
-   To show the kernel bnuffer from a Linux 3.2.63 image:
++  To show the kernel buffer from a Linux 3.2.63 image:
 +    $ volatility \-f mem.dd \-\-profile=Linux_3_2_63_x64 linux_dmesg
 +  This manpage was based in some tests and several official documents about Volatility.
 +  For other information and tutorials, see:
 +  * http://www.volatilityfoundation.org
 +  * https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility/wiki
 +  Volatility was written by Volatility Foundation and several contributors. For contact, use the email <info at volatilityfoundation.org>.
 +  This manual page was written by Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto at debian.org> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/forensics/volatility.git

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