[Freedombox-discuss] Anonymous Proposals

Matt Joyce matt at nycresistor.com
Tue Feb 22 07:51:13 UTC 2011

Here's the first of many anonymous proposals.  I am working on trying to
break down the freedom box project into sections we can chew on.  Too many
people seem to be leading charges in random directions for lots of different
reasons.  I think like many of us that we need to clearly define what we are
doing before we go about defining how we intend to do it.

So here's a quick break down on what I see Freedom Box actually attempting
to achieve in terms we understand as engineers and hackers.

Let me know what you think.  I am working on the second doc for a few hours
now outlining some of my design proposals for the layers I have proposals

I'll be using this thread to post these proposals.  I am not attaching my
name to anything.  I hope that others will be encouraged to contribute here
as well and in the same spirit of selflessness.


Proposals available from http here:



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