[Freedombox-discuss] Establishing Communicationbetween Freedomboxes

Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson bre at pagekite.net
Thu Jul 7 17:27:56 UTC 2011

Hello all!

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 9:39 AM, John Walsh <fiftyfour at waldevin.com> wrote:

> I just realised that the FreedomBox Foundation will have to offer a
> centralised DynamicDNS service for those FreedomBox users with an ISP
> provided Dynamic IP address. I am a user, but is this a reasonable
> assumption.
> If my assumption is correct, then your FrienDNS service could probably
> piggy-back on top of the FreedomBox service.

John, I don't think this assumption is correct. It is almost certainly true
that FreedomBoxes will need to be *able* to use a dynamic DNS service, but
there is no reason there has to be only one such service, and no reason it
has to be run by the Foundation.

More importantly, there are a few core reasons why designing such a central,
single-point of failure into the system would be a mistake.

I find it more likely that (in the end) physical FreedomBoxes will be
offered to end-users by multiple companies, and each company will
pre-configure their boxes to use a particular set of providers for services
like dynamic DNS, SMTP relaying and such. Or they will present the user with
a list of choices during the set-up dialog.

A "FrienDNS" type service could be one of many services people could choose


Contrasting this with the GPG/keyserver idea, I'd like to point out that DNS
is already a highly distributed scalable system with a global selection of
providers already in place.  The keyservers are relatively centralized and
fragile by comparison, and it's not obvious that relying on them would scale
to the numbers that the FreedomBox hopes to reach.

Bjarni R. Einarsson
Founder, lead developer of PageKite.

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