[Freedombox-discuss] Relationship driven privacy

Stefano Maffulli stefano at maffulli.net
Tue Jul 12 23:38:01 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 16:05 -0300, Sébastien Lerique wrote:
> If the
> Foundation and/or the TAC want to pull back and start planning as a
> smaller group I'm fine with it (although I would have loved to be part
> of that process), I think if done properly it would even serve the
> goals better (as a first step at least). But if that is the case, *we
> should know* instead of spending time discussing stuff in the wild
> with some hope that someone knows where all this is going. 

I'm not a member of TAC and I don't speak for them. I am helping the
project and what I can say though is that if you haven't seen any
communication is because there isn't much new to communicate. 

I saw lots of email messages exchanged talking about threat models,
identity, sessions, privacy and other keywords on this mailing list and
these long threads may have given false impressions about the project.

I would suggest to pick the first point from the list on
   * Email and telecommunications that protects privacy and resists

and start assembling software for it.

I would start putting together one debian image OS that runs on the
reference hw (the GuruPlug). Then add the basic packages that go in the
box on top of the OS to reach that goal (tor, anonymous remailer,
automatic gpg encryption...). Here things start to get tricky: on top of
apt-get there have to be sensible default configurations and an easy to
use GUI to configure each package. Anybody up to this task?


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