[Freedombox-discuss] defining use cases for FB (was Re: Working with W3C Federated Social Web)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at maffulli.net
Wed Jul 13 19:42:43 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-07-13 at 20:41 +0200, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Freedombox is a bigger project than a Web project, but hopefully it
> will leverage the Web aspect for its users, as much as possible.

I pick this message to suggest a method to keep these awesome
discussions flowing.

I would suggest that we keep an eye on the users while we debate WebID,
zotp protocol and the rest: as a user, what would I do with the box? I'm
not sure we have fully described the relevant use cases for the Box. I'd
start from there and update the wiki (adding them here, possibly)


With an exact use case in mind it's much easier to decide whether WebID,
WoT or whatever is good or not because you compare the solution to a
clear problem.

Starting from the 'is/is not' list that circulated earlier:


I'd start with general high level description like:

        As a user I would like to be able to share [media] with my
        family, friends, co-workers and general public. I would like to
        create also temporary 'groups' on the fly, like 'people that
        were at the party', some of which may be family, others are

and keep adding details, always keeping in mind the user first. 

        * As a user, I want to register my identity on my own box. 
        * As a user, I want to be able to see media I'm allowed to see
        on somebody else's box using my own box identity.
This will help us streamline the discussion and start putting together
pieces. What do you think?


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