[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Conspiracy Theory

Charles N Wyble charles at knownelement.com
Sun Jul 24 22:21:54 UTC 2011

On 07/24/2011 05:11 PM, Craig Barnes wrote:
> This is my first contribution to the list, but I think this is 
> probably the first time I would have a view of any value to others.


> My understanding of the freedom-box project is that it will only use 
> existing Debian packages, which should not be a problem as far as I 
> can tell.

Many packages do exist, or can be made easily enough. (LAMP apps are 
pretty easy to package up).

> I am learning a lot from the discussions, and am starting to get a 
> feel for what's in the the here and now list (not seeing much of 
> this), and what in the later list, and what out of scope, by the flow 
> of the discussions.

Right. It would be great for you to capture that and share it on the 
list as a new post. I would greatly appreciate the perspective.

> I do feel as though I am sitting on the sidelines looking for an 
> opportunity to jump in though.  I've never built a deb package, but am 
> keen to learn if that will help the project along.

Plenty of people exist that can package software. It would be useful to 
have some higher level perspective, as well as new software being 
authored. Packaging is the easy part.

> Would love to start playing with various packages, but am not sure if 
> I am wasting my time without a plug at my disposal.

I think most development will be done on X86 for some time to come. It's 
my opinion that plug computing platforms readily available today aren't 
sufficient for the desired use cases. I prefer the acer aspire revo:


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