[Freedombox-discuss] Update to "distributed social networking" comic

J David Eisenberg jdavid.eisenberg at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 02:38:50 UTC 2011

I'm going to convert the comic about distributed social networking
(http://dsn-test.com/comic) to a "visual novel" form so that it's more
web-format than paper-format. Given the recent activity in social
networks, I'm wondering what changes the script needs, or if it needs
a different emphasis altogether.

For example, around pages 6-7, I talk about it being difficult to set
up your own groups with a social network (i.e., Facebook).  Google+,
however, has made that part simple. What should happen to that

I welcome your input and suggestions.

P.S. When you read the comic, remember, it was written for a naïve
computer user; someone with low to medium computer literacy. It wasn't
written with an expert like you in mind. You know this stuff already.

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