[Freedombox-discuss] Allied Efforts.

The Doctor drwho at virtadpt.net
Mon Oct 17 19:17:12 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 10/17/2011 02:37 PM, michi1 at michaelblizek.twilightparadox.com wrote:

> The project pages describe what you want to see in the end, but
> they do not really say much about what you want to do: - A
> distribution? - A user interface for existing stuff?

Byzantium is a distribution of Linux which makes it easy to set up an
ad-hoc wireless mesh infrastructure.  It has at present a web control
panel that makes it fast as well as easy for an unskilled user to do
so.  The control panel is also designed to manage the services a given
node is running so that they can be selectively toggled on and off.

> - A mesh protocol?

We decided to use the Babel protocol to distribute routes between
nodes.  We did some research and decided that, seeing as how there are
so many mesh routing protocols already, it made more sense to test the
most mature ones and see which worked the best.

> - Tools which use mesh networks to provide services?

We have some ideas for tools that need to be written, but we've
packaged running instances of status.net, Etherpad-Lite, and qwebirc
(with ngircd under the hood) in the alpha build of the distribution.

> - Docs for stuff which already exists?

If you mean the things that we've packaged for Byzantium, there is
little on this front.  If you mean a quickstart guide and user
handbook, there is someone working on this sub-project right now.
It's not going to be ready for the alpha release, though.

> In case you are still looking for input, you might be interested
> in:


> Introduction to GNUnet: https://gnunet.org/node/1155 My project:
> http://michaelblizek.twilightparadox.com/projects/cor/index.html

Thank you very much.  Would you mind if I forwarded those links to the
developer mailing list?

- -- 

The Doctor [412/724/301/703]

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