[Freedombox-discuss] Debian GNU/Linux on tablet hardware

Brian Bartholomew bb at stat.ufl.edu
Mon Oct 31 19:38:54 UTC 2011

> i'm not asking people for a "committment to buy".  i'm asking people
> if they would be *willing* to commit to buying, if a certain threshold
> of other people also publicly made the exact same committment.

If the result was a turnkey working Linux system, I would buy one or two
at $100/each to inspire somebody to initially build them.

I would be especially interested in something that could tolerate a
Florida outdoor temperature range (100 F in the shade) when placed in a
watertight sealed box without fan cooling.  This is for a wild game
camera, chicken coop door controller, etc.

Why am I interested in this proposal rather than any of the other small
machines that already exist?  Because (a) I'm also interested in
freedombox and want to encourage it, and (b) I expect the networking
features I want will be very similar to freedombox.


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