[Freedombox-discuss] potential new build hardware, "arndaleboard" samsung exynos 5, 2GB ram

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Dec 3 14:39:28 UTC 2012

Hi Eugen, and others,

Quoting Eugen Leitl (2012-12-03 13:15:25)
> ----- Forwarded message from Kevin Bortis <Kevin.Bortis at ruf.ch> -----

Please always write something yourself: Clarify what you find relevant 
for this list in what you forward from elsewhere.

Blind forwarding is bad netiquette.

I have now added that Arndale board to 

...but I consider doing some cleanup to that list where it might get 
removed again: that board is not really cheap - it looks more like a 
geek device than a consumer gadget tiny box thingy.

It is quite relevant that some of us geeks get familiar with ARM 
hardware, and one way to do so is to play with geeky ARM hardware, but 
that does not mean that such hardware is relevant for FreedomBox.

Please speak up if you feel I misunderstood, and $249 Arndale boards 
really do seem to you like relevant hardware for FreedomBox.

...or $450 NorthTec x86 devices, or $199 Trim-Slice devices.


 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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