[Freedombox-discuss] Dreamplug emulator or qemu?

Björn Påhlsson belorn+freedom at recompile.se
Sun Feb 26 19:16:54 UTC 2012

Hash: RIPEMD160

On 02/26/2012 06:37 PM, Nick M. Daly wrote:
> If you want to work off of the best approximation we have, try
installing the
> FreedomMaker image [0] to the virtual harddrive.

Thanks, will try. I assume there is no fundamental difference between
VirtualBox and qemu?

> Unless you're actually compiling code (instead of using an
> interpreted language), the fact that you're faking it in VirtualBox
> VM doesn't matter: (processor) architectures are irrelevant to
> Debian, all the underlying packages should work the same way.

Alas, the code I want to test is done in C (Mandos client), and as a
developer I had my share of issues from the differences in what GCC
flags different architectures support.

> - The really screwy setup and UBoot problems (that should be fixed
> in someone's FreedomMaker repository, I don't recall which).

This is one of my concerns I wanted to remove by testing. I do not
know if UBoot boots an initramfs like Debian does on a normal PC.  I
have also some slight worries that bringing up the wireless interface
in the initramfs environment might bring its own issue that don’t
exist with wireless cards in a PC/laptop.

> In short, aside from having a different number of ethernet
> interfaces, you aren't missing anything substantial, it's actually
> easier to use a VM.  For compiled code to work on an actual
> Dreamplug, you'll need to cross-compile it, and you'll need to find
> somebody else to help you with that.

I should be able to at least do some preliminary testing (check if
FreedomMaker creates an initramfs).  But it sounds as I need an actual
box to do the testing, since Qemu emulates a PC, not a Dreamplug. Is
there a group or list on the wiki with people who has a dreamplug and
are willing to perform tests?

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