[Freedombox-discuss] who wants the new look to go online?

Robert Martinez mail at mray.de
Sun Sep 30 17:33:24 UTC 2012

On 29/09/12 00:41, Matt Platte wrote:
> I looked at the source of http://mray.de/fbxfoundation_robert/theme.html
> and looked at the source of http://freedomboxfoundation.org/
> Both sites use a "style.css" that begins with /* ikiwiki style sheet */

if i remember correctly this was just one of the first steps to make it 
ikiwiki conform, and cannot be seen as a sign for a correct ikiwik 
implementation of a theme.

> According to what I read at and near http://ikiwiki.info/theme_market/
> it should be fairly simple to add or change the design of an ikiwiki
> site.  If the new look can be packaged up as an ikiwiki theme (sorry, I
> don't know what all that entails) then the site admins could:
> 1) install the new theme
> 2) activate it
> 3) decide whether to keep or revert.

That's propably right. But in order to be sure the theme really looks 
like intended you need to work on a running ikiwiki instance. I tried 
but failed to set something up on my machine, also there is the problem 
of working on anything together if it just runs on a local machine.

if i had access to any running ikiwiki installation and was free to mess 
around i would try to build that theme, mail it to the admins and just 
let them activate it.
Of course we should know what version is running and what dependencies 
there *may* exist or whatever...

> Disclaimer: I am not an ikiwiki user or developer so I may be talking
> out of my a$$ here.

welcome on board! :P

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