[Freedombox-discuss] Intel Compute Stick

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 14 15:07:30 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-14 15:36, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> What I propose *now* is to raise the bar at a _board_ being OSHW
> compliant.  That excludes both Raspberry Pi boards (even if future
> boards from same vendor is likely to be OSHW compliant) and also Banana
> Pi - but includes other Allwinner-based boards even if documentation of
> the _chip_ is of substandard quality: Bar is at the _board_ being OSHW,
> not the _components_ soldered onto the board.
> What I propose *now* is to not raise the bar on components, beyond what
> have already been done (requiring boot and normal operation without
> loading _additional_ proprietary code - e.g. excluding Raspberry Pi due
> to its need for binary blob to boot, but including boards with wifi
> chips that require binary blobs as the wifi functionality is optional).

What would you suggest for dealing with people who happen to just port 
stuff to platforms not meeting this standard? They might still want to 
contribute patches for that purpose.

Take the new Banana Pi R1, which is kind of made for Freedom Box:


It would not surprise me in the least if A20 enthusiasts were to pick it 
apart and create a fully free OS image for it.



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