[Freedombox-discuss] Fwd: Samba on Freedombox

Marc Jones mjones at softwarefreedom.org
Mon Nov 30 19:17:47 UTC 2015


You can access files hosted on your freedombox using Owncloud or SFTP.
Or least that is the primary way I have heard people talking about
getting files on and off the box. If you want to use Samba with your
freedombox the best thing to do would be to create a "plinth
application." Since samba is already packaged for debian, the hard part
of integrating it with freedombox is already done.

There is a pretty good tutorial/documentation on how to create a plinth
application on the wiki. [1] (If you are going to package samba it would
be great if samba were configured to use the LDAP server that comes with
plinth so plinth can take care of the user management!)


On 11/30/2015 03:11 AM, Tim Mohrbach wrote:
> I have pretty naively installed a samba on my freedombox. But the
> firewall is very strict and I couldn't access the samba from my local
> network at all. So I adjusted the firewall rules, after the next update
> they were all gone again, haha. 
> I'm wondering what's the freedombox way to achieve things like that to
> work? Whats are tools like the deluge worth without a shared folder
> which I can access from my local network?
> Or should I just not install anything apart from the freedombox packages
> and wait until the samba actually works as part of the freedombox? 
> Thanks for any input and best regards
> Tim
> P.S. I think freedombox is like the best project on the planet, I really
> hope it's gonna get picked up by the masses and will help to
> decentralize the web again, can't wait for it!
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Marc Jones
Software Freedom Law Center
1995 Broadway, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10023
Tel: 212-461-1919
Fax: 212-580-0898
Email: mjones at softwarefreedom.org
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