[Freedombox-discuss] Server not found - A20-olinuxino-lime2

euomu euomu at inventati.org
Mon May 2 17:55:59 UTC 2016

hi guys!

I would need some help please with my 1st installation of Freedombox.

I installed the latest image:
(http://ftp.skolelinux.org/pub/freedombox/latest/) on my

I managed to get into the interface by accessing http://freedombox.local
on my laptop, and after jumping of joy for a minute or 2, I clicked on
"Next" which ended up in "Server not found".

I unplugged it and re-plugged it several times, I tried nmap, I
reinstalled the image on the sd card, I edited manually
/etc/network/interfaces according to no. 2 in Troubleshooting
https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/Hardware/Debian , but still is not
working (no interface anymore, just "Server not found").

Is there any way I could fix it (without an attached monitor, or some
guide to connected to the laptop)? (I don't know if it matters, I have
an external wifi usb into the board :
https://www.olimex.com/Products/USB-Modules/MOD-WIFI-R5370-ANT/ )

Thanks in advance
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