[Fsf-collab] first idea

Thorsten Alteholz fsf-collab at alteholz.de
Thu Jul 5 20:14:43 UTC 2012


I am a DD for some months and maintain packages in Debian for several 
years now.
According to [1] it seems to be hard work to eliminate all concerns. So 
lets start ...

As it is very unlikely that Debian will remove non-free and contrib, what 
do you think about two versions of Debian. In a first step a really free 
version simply called "Debian" and an extended version "DebianExtended" 
containing references to non-free/contrib as well, might be created.
For Debian all problems mentioned in [2] could either be solved or 
problematic packages could be moved to DebianExtended.
During installation, the user might choose one or the other version (of 
course a recommendation should be made if some hardware needs 
firmware packages from non-free) and even switch between both versions 


[1] http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html#Debian
[2] http://libreplanet.org/wiki/List_of_software_that_does_not_respect_the_Free_System_Distribution_Guidelines

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