Robert Millan zeratul2@wanadoo.es
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 18:12:32 +0200

On Sat, Jul 17, 2004 at 05:32:30AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Hi,
> Robert could you add _PATH_MOUNTED in the kernel headers, some
> packages fail to build due to that, I think I asked you that on
> Manresa, but cannot remember if you only fixed this on your local
> headers, well just a reminder.

I'm on it. _PATH_MOUNTED is added to Glibc's paths.h already in SVN, but I
didn't build the package yet.

> Also the MOUNTED macro refers to it.

According to glibc non-free documentation, MOUNTED is deprecated and
_PATH_MOUNTED should be used instead.

Robert Millan

"[..] but the delight and pride of Aule is in the deed of making, and in the
thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery; wherefore he
gives and hoards not, and is free from care, passing ever on to some new work."

 -- J.R.R.T., Ainulindale (Silmarillion)