[gopher] Updated Gopher RFC

Wolfgang Faust wolfgangmcq at gmail.com
Tue May 8 17:16:46 UTC 2012

Gaack! This discussion is precisely why we need an updated standard. The
mess of itemtypes, in particular, is rather awful. I'll take a look at the
docs on Kim's server at some point. In the meantime, is there a definitive
standard for the period that terminates some connections?

Also: what exactly is a CSO phonebook server? Are any used anymore, and are
there any clients that support them? And how are redundant servers supposed
to be handled? The RFC isn't very clear on that point, as I recall.

Damien: I'm not suggesting adding features; merely clarifying the
(sometimes conflicting) mass of RFCs, informal standards, and ad-hoc

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Alistair <alistair at alistairsserver.no-ip.org
> wrote:

> On 08/05/2012 14:43, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> Not if you were using gopher to also serve your style sheets. I'm not sure
>> how browsers would react to that.
>> But, as I said, the use seemed rather arcane even at the time, and I don't
>> think it's actually being used in that fashion anyway.
> I just make binary things be b... you can determine what the file is by
> automagical means anyway (or context in the case of completely headerless
> blobs). If a client doesn't know what to do with something it just
> downloads it, then the OS works out what to do with said automagical type
> detection.
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