[gopher] Motsognir question

Mateusz Viste mateusz at viste.fr
Mon Dec 28 15:06:25 UTC 2015

Hi Martin,

Nice to hear you use Motsognir!

The current path (pwd) is changed to / when Motsognir daemonize itself, 
and it is never changed. It is not a bug - it's a (lack of) feature ;)

Switching the "current directory" to the script's location just before 
executing it sounds like a harmless thing to do, and it would definitely 
make your life easier. I will write a patch for that today, and let you 
know when it's ready.

By any means, let me know should you see any other other perfectible 
points in Motsognir, or need help with some particular items, I'll be 
happy to help.


On 28/12/2015 14:03, Martin Kukac wrote:
> Hello,
> just yesterday I switched after five happy years from Gophernicus to
> Motsognir, because CentOS 7 has no inetd by default and I didn't figure
> out how to make it work with just systemd.
> Now I'm in the process of converting all my gophermaps and scripts to
> make them work on the new server. I have couple of executable PHP
> scripts, that I want to run using =./filename.php and that's where the
> problem is: the working path inside the PHP script or even in the
> gophermap is always set to / not to the directory where the map/script
> is. I have to do =/var/gopher/something/something/filename.php and in
> the PHP code I have to do the very same.
> What am I missing? With Gophernicus the path was alright, so maybe I
> have to configure something what is not obvious from Motsognir user guide?
> Thanks
> Martin / i-logout.cz

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