[libhid-discuss] libhid on windows?

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Wed Aug 15 16:57:06 UTC 2007

Mike Zhu wrote:
> The professor I'm working for wants to get his usb device driver to work
> on windows.  His code was written in linux using libhid. On your web page,
> it says that libhid should work on windows, but I've checked online, and I
> don't see how to do it.  I'm using the gcc compiler on cygwin.  When i try
> to configure and compile libhid on cygwin, it says that libhid is
> currently not supported on cygwin-i686-pc .  I was wondering if there was
> some way to get libhid onto windows without using cygwin.

You could try MinGW32. I don't know if the code was ever finished to make
libhid work on Windows. You would need libusb-win32 as well.

> Also, would it
> work if i just copied the libhid library from a linux system and put it
> into windows?


Charles Lepple

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