[libhid-discuss] libusb related query

Charles Lepple clepple at ghz.cc
Thu May 3 12:43:33 UTC 2007

On May 3, 2007, at 8:14 AM, Anmol Ranka wrote:

> I am working on FC 5 with Linux kerenl I need to interact  
> with USB
> based HID device.
> My doubt is whether 'libusb' is sufficient for the above purpose or  
> I need
> libhid too.

Since libhid currently uses libusb, you might be able to do  
everything manually using libusb. It depends on what you are trying  
to do.

Sorry for the vague answer, but you haven't provided many details  
about the device, or what you need to do. ("I'm buying a new car. Do  
I need a pickup truck or a sports car?")

Charles Lepple

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