[libhid-discuss] finding multiple devices in libhid

Warren Jasper wjasper at tx.ncsu.edu
Sat Jan 12 13:39:34 UTC 2008

I was looking through the source for hid_find_usb_device()
and was wondering why, once you find a device, you don't check to see if 
it already
open with hid_is_open().  That way, multiple calls to hid_find_device() 
will not only return
a match, but an un-opened match.  Otherwise, how do you find multiple 
devices with the same
Vendor ID and Product ID? 

The problem I'm running into, is with multiple devices on the USB bus.  
The calls to hid_find_usb_device is
returning the first match,  and so I can't get a handle (no pun 
intended) on the the other devices with the same
Vendor and Product ID.

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