[libhid-discuss] Windows support?

Xiaofan Chen xiaofanc at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 12:25:58 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Adrian Parker
<adrian.l.parker at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm confused.  libhid supports Windows, the website says it do so by using
> libusb.  libusb's site seems to say it doesn't support Windows, but
> libusb-win32 does.

libhid aims to support Windows. "aims to support" is quite a bit different
than "support".

> And Xiaofan seems seems to say that libhid doesn't work with libusb-win32.
> Can someone tell me how I would use libhid under Windows (what does it
> depend on that WILL work under windows)?

Hacking and testing. ;-)

The next version of libusb-win32 (under development) *aims to support*
native HID back end. So libhid may benefit from it.


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