[libhid-discuss] Interface parameter

Adrian Parker adrian.l.parker at gmail.com
Fri May 23 19:49:22 UTC 2008

I've noticed that run on Windows, the function hid_force_open ignores the
interface parameter and always (and only) opens the first interface of each
device on each bus (which pretty much means the matcher parameter can't be
used reliably to match against bInterfaceClasses).  You can set the
interface parameter to non-valid values and it still works (setting it to 0
or 50,000, the function acts the same way).

Perhaps I'm mistaken as to what the third parameter of the following does?
hid_return hid_force_open(HIDInterface* const hidif, int const config, int
const interface, HIDInterfaceMatcher const* const matcher, unsigned short
retries);  // hid.h

If not, perhaps its just broken on Windows.


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