[libhid-discuss] Still can't interrupt_read() properly

Marian Aldenhövel marian.aldenhoevel at mba-software.de
Fri Sep 5 13:18:28 UTC 2008


I have reproduced the problem in a simple testcase based on libhid_test.c to 
make sure that it was not something unrelated in the rest of my read program.

The attached simple program sends the same command three times. The device 
acts on it three times, but the results do not come back the second and third 
time. The second and third attempts fail with different results.

Ciao, MM
Marian Aldenhövel, Rosenhain 23, 53123 Bonn
"I ran some quick calculations on it. He's about 80% on the right
  track.  That leaves him only 20% dead when he crashes." Bob C
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