[libhid-discuss] libhid on fedora

Manuel F Martinez manpaz at bashlinux.com
Sat Feb 27 09:26:00 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

   My name is Manuel Martinez, I have worked with libhid on Fedora and
CentOS.  After send a couple of request mails to the owners of this great
piece of software, I started to push it in fedora.

   I'd like to let you know, that the package has been started to be
reviewed, it builds fine, but I'm still making some adjustments in order to
accomplish the Fedora Package Guidlines.

   There are really smart people reviewing it, and I trust it will being

   Thank you for let me share this code with developers in other
distributions, I'll keep you posted about changes in spec file, and patches
in order to get a nice build on fedora.


Manuel F Martinez
Linux Systems Engineer
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