[SCM] Lisaac compiler branch, stable, updated. lisaac-0.12-492-g71e3c02

Mildred Ki'Lya silkensedai at online.fr
Thu Oct 8 14:04:14 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the stable branch:
commit 71e3c02d51471139366444f6ad352dd670613b16
Author: Mildred Ki'Lya <silkensedai at online.fr>
Date:   Thu Oct 8 16:03:34 2009 +0200

    remove old/ prototypes from source

diff --git a/src/item/old/itm_type_self.li b/src/item/old/itm_type_self.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 78cb998..0000000
--- a/src/item/old/itm_type_self.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name      := ITM_TYPE_SELF;
-  - copyright := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment   := "Type Self";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_itm_type_simple:Expanded ITM_TYPE_SIMPLE;
-Section Public
-  // BSBS: Voir si il est encore necessaire avec ITM_TYPE_PARAMETER
-  - name:STRING_CONSTANT <- ALIAS_STR.prototype_self;
-  - to_run:TYPE_FULL <-
-  (
-    not_yet_implemented;
-    NULL
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/type/old/type_block.li b/src/type/old/type_block.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 5809d7d..0000000
--- a/src/type/old/type_block.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name    := TYPE_BLOCK;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author  := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment := "Virtual type for BLOCK manager";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_type:Expanded TYPE;
-Section Public   
-  - list_block:FAST_ARRAY[TYPE_BLOCK] := FAST_ARRAY[TYPE_BLOCK].create_with_capacity 2048;
-  - clean <-
-  (
-    (list_block.lower).to (list_block.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      list_block.item j.remove;
-    };
-  );
-Section Public  
-  - name:STRING_CONSTANT <- ALIAS_STR.prototype_block;
-  - is_context_sensitive:BOOLEAN <- context_extern != NULL;
-  + context_extern:LOCAL;
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - create base:ITM_BLOCK :SELF <-
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make base;
-    result
-  );
-  - make base:ITM_BLOCK <-
-  ( + var:VARIABLE;
-    + loc:LOCAL;
-    + instr:INSTR;
-    + arg_lower:INTEGER;
-    + list:ITM_LIST;
-    + old_node_list:LINKED_LIST[NODE_TYPE];
-    list_block.add_last Self;
-    profil_list := FAST_ARRAY[PROFIL_SLOT].create_with_capacity 2;
-    node_list := LINKED_LIST[NODE_TYPE].create;
-    //
-    index       := index_count;
-    index_count := index_count + 1;
-    //            
-    list := base.list;
-    CONTEXT.push_intern (list.position);    
-    //
-    old_node_list := NODE.node_list;
-    NODE.set_node_list node_list;
-    // Append arguments.
-    (base.argument != NULL).if {
-      argument_type := ALIAS_ARRAY[TYPE_FULL].new;
-      arg_lower := stack_local.upper + 1;
-      base.argument.to_run stack_local;
-      (arg_lower).to (stack_local.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-	var   := stack_local.item j;
-	var.set_style '+';
-	argument_type.add_last (var.type);
-	instr := var.write (var.position) value NULL;
-	list_current.add_last instr;
-      };
-      argument_type := ALIAS_ARRAY[TYPE_FULL].alias argument_type;
-    };
-    //
-    (debug_level_option != 0).if {
-      // Debug mode : Add context local.
-      loc := TYPE_CONTEXT.default.new_local (list.position) 
-      name (ALIAS_STR.variable_context) style '+';
-      loc.set_ensure_count 1;
-      stack_local.add_last loc;      
-      list_current.add_last (PUSH.create (list.position) context loc first TRUE);
-    };
-    //
-    list.to_run_base FALSE;    
-    model_list   := list_current;
-    model_result := list.create_result_expr;
-    NODE.set_node_list old_node_list;
-    context_extern := ITM_OBJECT.context_extern;
-    CONTEXT.pop_intern;            
-    //    
-    default := TYPE_FULL.create Self with 0; 
-  );
-  - make_copy other:TYPE_BLOCK <-
-  ( + old_node_list:LINKED_LIST[NODE_TYPE];
-    list_block.add_last Self;
-    profil_list := FAST_ARRAY[PROFIL_SLOT].create_with_capacity 2;
-    node_list   := LINKED_LIST[NODE_TYPE].create;
-    //    
-    index       := index_count;
-    index_count := index_count + 1;
-    //    
-    old_node_list := NODE.node_list;
-    NODE.set_node_list node_list;
-    argument_type  := other.argument_type;
-    //LOCAL.alias_on;
-    model_list     := other.model_list.my_copy;
-    //LOCAL.alias_off;
-    model_result   := other.model_result.my_copy;    
-    context_extern := other.context_extern;    
-    NODE.set_node_list old_node_list;
-    default := TYPE_FULL.create Self with 0;  
-    ? {node_list.count = other.node_list.count};  
-  );
-Section Public
-  + profil_list:FAST_ARRAY[PROFIL_SLOT];
-  + node_list:LINKED_LIST[NODE_TYPE];
-  + model_list:LIST;  
-  + copy_list:BOOLEAN;
-  + model_result:EXPR;
-  + copy_result:BOOLEAN;
-  + argument_type:FAST_ARRAY[TYPE_FULL];
-  //
-  // Copy.
-  //
-  - my_copy:SELF <-
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := TYPE_BLOCK.clone;    
-    result.make_copy Self;
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Block -> List.
-  //
-  - remove <-
-  (            
-    (! copy_list).if {                  
-      model_list.remove;
-      model_result.remove;
-    };
-  );
-  - get_list:LIST <-
-  ( + result:LIST;    
-    (copy_list).if {
-      //LOCAL.alias_on;      
-      result := model_list.my_copy;
-      //LOCAL.alias_off;
-    } else {
-      NODE.node_list.append_collection node_list;       
-      result := model_list;
-      copy_list := TRUE;
-    };            
-    result
-  );
-  - get_result:EXPR <-
-  (         
-    model_result
-  );
-  //
-  // BUG !
-  //
-  - prototype:PROTOTYPE <- type_block.prototype;
-  - get_slot n:STRING_CONSTANT :SLOT <-
-  (
-    type_block.get_slot n
-  );
-  - get_local_slot n:STRING_CONSTANT :SLOT <-
-  (
-    type_block.get_local_slot n
-  );
-  - get_path_slot n:STRING_CONSTANT :SLOT <-
-  (
-    type_block.get_path_slot n
-  );
-  - genere_struct; // Nothing.
-  //
-  // Code source generation.
-  //
-  - put_id buffer:STRING <- index.append_in buffer;
-  - put_access_id e:EXPR in buffer:STRING <- 
-  (
-    buffer.append "(int)";
-    e.genere buffer;
-  );
-  - put_value buffer:STRING <- 
-  (
-    buffer.append "(void *)";
-    index.append_in buffer;
-  );
-Section Public
-  - is_sub_type other:TYPE :BOOLEAN <- other.name = name;
diff --git a/src/type/old/type_link.li b/src/type/old/type_link.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 5704cd1..0000000
--- a/src/type/old/type_link.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name    := TYPE_LINK;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author  := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment := "TYPE_PARAMETER <-> TYPE_FULL";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Private
-  - create t:TYPE_FULL :SELF <-
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make t;
-    result
-  );
-  - make t:TYPE_FULL <-
-  (
-    type_self := t;
-  );
-Section Public
-  + type_self:TYPE_FULL;
-  - create_self s:EXPR :TYPE_LINK <-
-  ( + t:TYPE_FULL;
-    + tg:TYPE_GENERIC;
-    + result:TYPE_LINK;
-    + n:INTEGER;
-    t := s.static_type;
-    tg ?= t;
-    (tg != NULL).if {    
-      n := tg.generic_list.count;
-      (n = 1).if {
-	result := TYPE_LINK_1.create t and 
-	(tg.prototype.idf_generic_list.first,tg.generic_list.first);
-      }.elseif {n = 2} then {
-	result := TYPE_LINK_2.create t and 
-	(tg.prototype.idf_generic_list.first ,tg.generic_list.first) and
-	(tg.prototype.idf_generic_list.second,tg.generic_list.second);
-      } else {
-	result := TYPE_LINK_N.create t and 
-	(tg.prototype.idf_generic_list,tg);
-      };
-    } else {
-      result := create t;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - create_for slot:SLOT self s:EXPR with larg:FAST_ARRAY[EXPR] :TYPE_LINK <-
-  ( + t:TYPE_FULL;
-    + tg:TYPE_GENERIC;
-    + result:TYPE_LINK;
-    + n:INTEGER;
-    t := s.static_type;
-    tg ?= t;
-    (tg != NULL).if {
-      n := tg.generic_list.count;
-    };
-    (larg != NULL).if {
-    (larg.lower).to (larg.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-    };
-  );
-  //
-  // Service.
-  //
-  - install <-
-  (
-    ITM_TYPE_SELF.set_define type_self;
-  );
-  - clean <- 
-  (
-    ITM_TYPE_SELF.set_define TYPE_NULL;
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/type/old/type_parameter.li b/src/type/old/type_parameter.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 52ace79..0000000
--- a/src/type/old/type_parameter.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name    := TYPE_PARAMETER;
-  - copyright := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author  := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment := "Type parameter.";
-Section Inherit  
-  + parent_type_full:TYPE_FULL := TYPE_FULL;
-Section Public
-  - fix:TYPE_FULL <- parent_type_full;
-  - is_parameter_type:BOOLEAN <- TRUE;
-  + parameter_name:STRING_CONSTANT;
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - create n:STRING_CONSTANT :SELF <-
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make n;
-    result
-  );
-  - make n:STRING_CONSTANT <-
-  (
-    parameter_name := n;
-  );
-  //
-  // Set type.
-  //
-  - set_define t:TYPE_FULL <-
-  (
-    parent_type_full := t;
-  );
-  //
-  // Display.
-  //
-  - append_name_in buffer:STRING <-
-  (
-    buffer.append parameter_name;
-    buffer.add_last ':';
-    parent_type_full.append_name_in buffer;
-  );
diff --git a/src/variable/old/argument.li b/src/variable/old/argument.li
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e4535..0000000
--- a/src/variable/old/argument.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name      := ARGUMENT;
-  - copyright := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment   := "Argument runnable";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_itm_object:Expanded ITM_OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  + type:TYPE_FULL;
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - create p:POSITION name n:STRING_CONSTANT type t:TYPE_FULL :SELF <-
-  [ 
-    -? {t != NULL}; 
-  ]
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make p name n type t;
-    result
-  );
-  - make p:POSITION name n:STRING_CONSTANT type t:TYPE_FULL <-
-  (
-    position := p;
-    name := n;
-    type := t;
-  );
-  //
-  // To profil
-  //
-  - to_local:LOCAL <-
-  (
-    LOCAL.create position name name style ' ' type (type.fix)
-  );
-  //
-  // Display.
-  //
-  - print <-
-  (    
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    string_tmp.append name;
-    string_tmp.add_last ':';
-    type.append_name_in string_tmp;
-    string_tmp.print;
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/variable/old/slot.li b/src/variable/old/slot.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 253acd2..0000000
--- a/src/variable/old/slot.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := SLOT;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author      := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment     := "Parent for slot runnable";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_itm_object:ITM_OBJECT := ITM_OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - common_slot:SLOT <- Self;
-  + base_slot:ITM_SLOT;
-  - name:STRING_CONSTANT          <- base_slot.name;  
-  - id_section:SECTION_           <- base_slot.id_section;    
-  - priority_and_level:INTEGER    <- base_slot.priority_and_level;  
-  - priority:INTEGER              <- base_slot.priority;
-  - associativity:STRING_CONSTANT <- base_slot.associativity;  
-  - style:CHARACTER               <- base_slot.style;
-  + receiver_type:TYPE;
-  + slot_id:SLOT_DATA;
-//  + arguments:FAST_ARRAY[ARGUMENT];
-//  + results_type:FAST_ARRAY[TYPE_FULL];
-//  + result_type:TYPE_FULL;
-  //
-  // Result / Argument manager.
-  //
-  - get_expr_result:EXPR <-
-  ( + result:EXPR;
-    + lst:FAST_ARRAY[EXPR];
-    + typ:TYPE_FULL;
-    (id_section.is_interrupt).if {
-      typ := type_pointer.default;
-      result := typ.get_temporary_expr position;
-    } else {
-      (results_type != NULL).if { 
-	lst := FAST_ARRAY[EXPR].create_with_capacity (results_type.count+1);
-	(results_type.lower).to (results_type.upper) do { k:INTEGER;	  
-	  lst.add_last (results_type.item k.get_temporary_expr position);
-	};
-	lst.add_last (result_type.get_temporary_expr position);
-	result := EXPR_MULTIPLE.create lst;
-      } else {	
-	result := result_type.get_temporary_expr position;
-      };      
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - check_argument_type_for larg:FAST_ARRAY[EXPR] <-  
-  ( + new_expr:EXPR;
-    (larg.lower + 1).to (larg.upper) do { i:INTEGER;      
-      new_expr := larg.item i.check_type (arguments.item i.type) with position;
-      larg.put new_expr to i;
-    };            
-  );
-  //
-  // Creation.
-  //
-  - create s:ITM_SLOT type t:TYPE :SLOT <-
-  ( + result:SLOT;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make s type t    
-  );
-  - make s:ITM_SLOT type t:TYPE :SLOT <-
-  ( + styl:SLOT;
-    + item_lst:FAST_ARRAY[ITM_ARGUMENT];  
-    + typ:TYPE_FULL;
-    + type_multiple:ITM_TYPE_MULTI;
-    + type_mono:ITM_TYPE_MONO;
-    + old_data:DTA_RD;
-    base_slot := s;
-    receiver_type := t;
-    position  := s.position;
-    //
-/*    old_data := data_current;
-    data_current := data_tmp;
-    data_current.set_generic t;    
-    data_current.set_self (t.default);
-    // Arguments.
-    item_lst  := base_slot.argument_list; 
-    arguments := FAST_ARRAY[ARGUMENT].create_with_capacity (base_slot.argument_count);    
-    (item_lst.lower).to (item_lst.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      item_lst.item j.to_run arguments;
-    };    
-    // Result(s).    
-    type_multiple ?= base_slot.type;
-    (type_multiple != NULL).if {  
-      results_type := FAST_ARRAY[TYPE_FULL].create_with_capacity (type_multiple.count - 1);	
-      0.to (type_multiple.upper - 1) do { k:INTEGER;	  
-	typ := type_multiple.item k.to_run;	
-	results_type.add_last typ;
-      };
-      result_type := type_multiple.last.to_run;	
-    } else {
-      type_mono ?= base_slot.type;
-      result_type := type_mono.to_run;
-    };      
- */   
-    //
-    (s.affect = '<').if {
-      // Code.      
-      styl := slot_code_intern := SLOT_CODE.create Self with (base_slot.value);      
-    } else {
-      // Data      
-      create_slot_data;
-      styl := slot_data_intern;
-    };    
-//    data_current := old_data;
-    //
-    styl
-  );
-  //
-  // Style.
-  //
-  - lower_style:INTEGER <-
-  ( + result:INTEGER;
-    (slot_data_intern = NULL).if {
-      result := 1;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - upper_style:INTEGER <- 
-  ( + result:INTEGER;
-    (slot_code_intern != NULL).if {      
-      (slot_code_list != NULL).if {
-	result := slot_code_list.upper + 2;
-      } else {
-	result := 1;
-      };
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - slot_data:SLOT_DATA <-
-  (     
-    (slot_data_intern = NULL).if {
-      create_slot_data;      
-      (slot_id = NULL).if {
-	slot_id := SLOT_DATA.create common_slot type (TYPE_ID.get_index 1.default);
-	slot_id.init;
-      };
-    };
-    slot_data_intern
-  );
-  - slot_code idx:INTEGER :SLOT_CODE <-
-  ( + result:SLOT_CODE;
-    (idx = 1).if {
-      result := slot_code_intern;
-    } else {
-      result := slot_code_list.item (idx-2);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - add_style v:ITM_CODE :INTEGER <-
-  ( + slot:SLOT_CODE;
-    + result:INTEGER;
-    slot := SLOT_CODE.create common_slot with v;
-    (slot_code_intern = NULL).if {
-      slot_code_intern := slot;
-      slot_id := SLOT_DATA.create common_slot type (TYPE_ID.get_index 0.default);
-      slot_id.init;
-      result := 1;
-    } else {
-      (slot_code_list = NULL).if {
-	slot_code_list := FAST_ARRAY[SLOT_CODE].create_with_capacity 1;
-      };
-      slot_code_list.add_last slot;
-      (slot_id = NULL).if {
-	slot_id := SLOT_DATA.create common_slot type (TYPE_ID.get_index 1.default);
-	slot_id.init;
-      };
-      result := slot_code_list.upper + 2;
-    };    
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Display.
-  //
-  - display_all <-
-  (
-    (lower_style).to (upper_style) do { j:INTEGER;
-      item_style j.display_all;
-    };
-  );
-Section Public
-  + slot_data_intern:SLOT_DATA; // Index 0
-  + slot_code_intern:SLOT_CODE; // Index 1
-  + slot_code_list:FAST_ARRAY[SLOT_CODE]; // Index x+2
-  + slot_data_list:FAST_ARRAY[SLOT_DATA]; // Vector data slot  
-  - create_slot_data <-
-  ( + typ:TYPE_FULL;
-    (results_type != NULL).if {            
-      slot_data_list := FAST_ARRAY[SLOT_DATA].create_with_capacity (results_type.count);
-      (results_type.lower).to (results_type.upper) do { k:INTEGER;	
-	typ := results_type.item k;
-	slot_data_list.add_last (
-	  SLOT_DATA.create common_slot type typ
-	);
-      };      
-    };
-    slot_data_intern := SLOT_DATA.create common_slot type result_type;    
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/variable/old/slot_code.li b/src/variable/old/slot_code.li
deleted file mode 100644
index c81b613..0000000
--- a/src/variable/old/slot_code.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name      := SLOT_CODE;
-  - copyright := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment   := "Slot with method";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_slot:SLOT := SLOT;
-Section Public
-  - common_slot:SLOT <- parent_slot;
-  - position:POSITION <- base_slot.position;
-  + index:INTEGER;
-  //
-  // Static and Dynamic profil.
-  //
-  + value:ITM_CODE;
-  //
-  // Dynamic profil.
-  //
-  - get_profil args:FAST_ARRAY[EXPR] self type_self:TYPE_FULL :(PROFIL, FAST_ARRAY[WRITE]) <-
-  ( + result:PROFIL_SLOT;    
-    + res_lst:FAST_ARRAY[WRITE];
-    + pro:PROFIL_SLOT;
-    + j,i:INTEGER;
-    + loc:LOCAL;
-    + typ:TYPE_FULL;
-    + typ_block:PROFIL_BLOCK;
-    + typ_list:TYPES_TMP;
-    + pro_list:FAST_ARRAY[PROFIL_SLOT];    
-    + is_new:BOOLEAN;
-    // Block Detect.
-    j := args.lower;
-    {(j <= args.upper) && {(typ = NULL) || {! (typ.raw == type_block)}}}.while_do {
-      typ := args.item j.static_type;
-      (typ.raw == type_block).if {
-	typ_list := TYPES_TMP.new;
-	args.item j.get_type typ_list;
-	(typ_list.first = TYPE_NULL).if {
-	  (typ_list.count > 1).if {
-	    typ_block ?= typ_list.second;
-	  } else {
-	    typ := NULL;
-	  };
-	} else {
-	  typ_block ?= typ_list.first;
-	};
-	typ_list.free;
-      };
-      j := j + 1;
-    };
-    (typ_block != NULL).if {
-      pro_list := typ_block.profil_list;
-      i := pro_list.lower;
-      {(i <= pro_list.upper) && {result = NULL}}.while_do {
-	pro := pro_list.item i;
-	(
-	  (pro.slot = Self) && {
-	    (pro.type_self = NULL) || {pro.type_self == type_self}
-	  } // BSBS: il fo aussi tester les args comme plus bas...
-	).if {
-	  result := pro; // Rmq. : It's limit for dispatching (See...)
-	};
-	i := i + 1;
-      };
-      (result = NULL).if {
-	result := PROFIL_SLOT.clone;	
-	result.set_context_sensitive;
-	typ_block.profil_list.add_last result;
-	is_new := TRUE;	
-      };
-    } else {	    
-      // Select classic Profil (no block).
-      j := profil.lower;      
-      {(j <= profil.upper) && {result = NULL}}.while_do {
-	pro := profil.item j;					
-	((pro.type_self = NULL) || {pro.type_self == type_self}).if {
-	  result := pro;
-	  i := args.lower + 1;
-	  {(i <= args.upper) && {result != NULL}}.while_do {
-	    typ := args.item i.static_type;
-	    loc := pro.argument_list.item i;	    	    
-	    (
-	      (loc != NULL) && 
-	      {(typ.is_expanded) || {loc.type.is_expanded       }} && 
-	      {typ !== loc.type} && {loc.type.raw != type_boolean}
-	    ).if {
-	      result := NULL;	      	      	      
-	    };
-	    i := i + 1;    
-	  };
-	};
-	j := j + 1;
-      };
-      (result = NULL).if {	
-	result := PROFIL_SLOT.clone;		
-	profil.add_last result;
-	((id_section.is_external) && {profil.count > 1}).if {
-	  semantic_error (position,"Polymorphic External slot is not possible.");
-	};
-	is_new := TRUE;
-      };
-    };
-    (is_new).if {            
-      res_lst := result.make Self with (type_self, args) verify (profil.count = 1);      
-    } else {
-      res_lst := result.write_argument args;
-    };
-    result, res_lst
-  );
-  //
-  // Constructeur.
-  //
-  - create base:SLOT with val:ITM_CODE :SLOT_CODE <-
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make base with val;
-    result
-  );
-  - make base:SLOT with val:ITM_CODE <-
-  ( 
-    parent_slot := base;
-    value := val;
-    profil := FAST_ARRAY[PROFIL_SLOT].create_with_capacity 1;    
-  );
-  //
-  // Execute.
-  //
-  + last_type_contract:TYPE; 
-  + is_require:BOOLEAN;
-  - previous_contract:ITM_LIST <-
-  ( + slot:ITM_SLOT;
-    + contract:ITM_LIST;
-    (is_require).if {
-      slot := last_type_contract.search_require name;
-    } else {
-      slot := last_type_contract.search_ensure name;
-    };
-    (slot != NULL).if {
-      (is_require).if {
-	contract := slot.require;
-      } else {
-	contract := slot.ensure;
-      };
-      last_type_contract := last_type_contract.last_type_contract;
-    };          
-    contract
-  );
-  - create_code is_first:BOOLEAN <-
-  ( + contract:ITM_LIST;
-    + slot:ITM_SLOT;
-    + instr:INSTR;
-    verify := is_first;
-    // Require
-    is_require := TRUE;
-    contract := base_slot.require;
-    last_type_contract := receiver_type;
-    (contract = NULL).if {
-      slot := receiver_type.search_require name;
-      (slot != NULL).if {
-	(verify).if {
-	  base_slot.is_equal_profil slot;
-	};
-	contract := slot.require;
-	last_type_contract := receiver_type.last_type_contract;
-      };      
-    };
-    (contract != NULL).if {      
-      list_current.add_last (contract.to_run_contract);
-    };
-    // Body.
-    value.to_run_extern;
-    // Ensure
-    is_require := FALSE;
-    contract := base_slot.ensure;
-    last_type_contract := receiver_type;
-    (contract = NULL).if {
-      slot := receiver_type.search_ensure name;
-      (slot != NULL).if {
-	(verify).if {
-	  base_slot.is_equal_profil slot;
-	};
-	contract := slot.ensure;
-	last_type_contract := receiver_type.last_type_contract;
-      };      
-    };
-    (contract != NULL).if {            
-      list_current.add_last (contract.to_run_contract);
-    };
-    // Result.
-    (profil_slot.result_last != NULL).if {
-      instr := profil_slot.result_last.read position;    
-    } else {
-      (id_section.is_interrupt).if {
-	list_current.add_first (
-	  EXTERNAL_C.create position text "__BEGIN_INTERRUPT__" access NULL
-	  persistant TRUE type (TYPE_VOID.default)
-	);
-	list_current.add_last (
-	  EXTERNAL_C.create position text "__END_INTERRUPT__" access NULL
-	  persistant TRUE type (TYPE_VOID.default)
-	);
-      };
-      instr := PROTOTYPE_CST.create position type (TYPE_VOID.default);
-    };    
-    list_current.add_last instr;    
-  );
-  - remove_profil prof:PROFIL_SLOT <-
-  ( + idx:INTEGER;
-    idx := profil.fast_first_index_of prof;
-    (idx <= profil.upper).if { // Else, This profil is in BLOCK      
-      profil.remove idx;
-    };
-  );
-  //
-  // Display.
-  //
-  - display buffer:STRING <-
-  (
-    buffer.append name;
-    (argument_list.lower).to (argument_list.upper) do { j:INTEGER;       
-      buffer.add_last ' ';
-      argument_list.item j.display buffer;
-    }; 
-    buffer.add_last ' ';
-    buffer.add_last ':';
-    type.display buffer;    
-  );    
-  - display_all <-
-  ( + prof:PROFIL;
-    string_tmp.clear;    
-    (profil != NULL).if {
-      (profil.upper).downto (profil.lower) do { k:INTEGER;
-	prof := profil.item k;
-	prof.display_all string_tmp;
-      };
-    };
-    string_tmp.print;
-  );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/variable/old/slot_data.li b/src/variable/old/slot_data.li
deleted file mode 100644
index d651a4a..0000000
--- a/src/variable/old/slot_data.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Compiler                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := SLOT_DATA;
-  - copyright   := "2003-2007 Benoit Sonntag";
-  - author      := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment     := "Slot with data style";
-Section Inherit
-  + parent_variable:Expanded VARIABLE;
-  + parent_slot:SLOT := SLOT;      
-Section Public
-  // BUG COMPILO 0.11
-  - id_section:SECTION_ <- 
-  ( + result:SECTION_;
-    (parent_slot != NULL).if {
-      result := parent_slot.id_section;
-    } else {
-      result := SECTION_.get_name (ALIAS_STR.section_private);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - receiver_type:TYPE <-
-  ( + result:TYPE;
-    (parent_slot != NULL).if {
-      result := parent_slot.receiver_type;
-    } else {
-      result := type_block;
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  - common_slot:SLOT <- parent_slot;
-  //
-  // Sequence optimizer
-  //
-  + last_write:WRITE;
-  + last_seq_index:UINTEGER_32;
-  + last_seq_or_and:UINTEGER_32;  
-  + last_seq_call_and_loop:UINTEGER_32;
-  + last_seq_call_local_and_loop:UINTEGER_32;
-  + last_list_current:LIST;
-  + last_index:INTEGER;
-  - is_invariant rec:EXPR :BOOLEAN <-
-  (
-    ((rec = NULL) || {rec.is_invariant}) &&
-    {last_write != NULL} &&
-    {loop_seq_call_and_loop = seq_call_and_loop} &&
-    {last_seq_index <= loop_seq_index}
-  );
-  - reset_last_write w:WRITE <-
-  (  
-    (last_write = w).if {
-      last_write := NULL;
-    };
-  );
-  - set_read <-
-  (
-    last_index := -1;
-  );
-  - get_last_index:INTEGER <- last_index;
-  - set_write w:WRITE <-
-  (                
-    /* A FAIRE
-    (
-      (! PROFIL.mode_recursive) &&
-      {style = '-'} &&
-      {last_write != NULL} &&      
-      {last_index < list_current.index} &&
-      {last_sequence = sequence_global}      
-    ).if {       
-      ? {list_current.item last_index = last_write};
-      list_current.put (last_write.value) to last_index;
-      unwrite last_write;      
-      new_execute_pass;
-    };    
-    */
-    last_write                  := w;
-    last_seq_index              := seq_index;
-    last_seq_or_and             := seq_or_and;    
-    last_seq_call_and_loop      := seq_call_and_loop;
-    last_seq_call_local_and_loop:= seq_call_local_and_loop;
-    //
-    last_list_current := list_current;
-    last_index        := list_current.index;
-  );
-  - get_last_value rec:EXPR :EXPR <-
-  ( + result:EXPR;
-    + val:EXPR;
-    + rd:READ;
-    + rd_loc:READ_LOCAL;
-    + wrt_slot:WRITE_SLOT;
-    + l:LOCAL;
-    + g:SLOT_DATA;
-    + is_rec_ok:BOOLEAN;
-    + my_require_count:INTEGER;
-    + pb:PROFIL_BLOCK;
-    + i:INSTR;
-    ((! PROFIL.mode_recursive) && {loop_invariant = NULL} && {last_write != NULL}).if {
-      my_require_count := require_count;
-      (rec != NULL).if {
-	// Block exception.
-	pb ?= rec.static_type.raw;
-	((pb != NULL) && {require_list != NULL}).if {
-	  rd_loc ?= rec;
-	  l      := rd_loc.local;
-	  wrt_slot ?= require_first;
-	  rd_loc ?= wrt_slot.receiver;
-	  (rd_loc.local = l).if {	      
-	    my_require_count := 1;
-	  } else {
-	    my_require_count := 0;
-	  };
-	  (require_list.lower).to (require_list.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-	    wrt_slot ?= require_list.item j;
-	    rd_loc   ?= wrt_slot.receiver;
-	    (rd_loc.local = l).if {	      
-	      my_require_count := my_require_count + 1;
-	    };
-	  };
-	};
-      };
-      (
-	(
-	  (last_seq_call_and_loop = seq_call_and_loop) && 
-	  {is_seq_list last_list_current}
-	) || {my_require_count = 1}
-      ).if {
-	// Receiver test.
-	(rec = NULL).if {
-	  is_rec_ok := TRUE;	
-	}.elseif {rec.is_constant} then {	
-	  wrt_slot ?= last_write;
-	  is_rec_ok := rec == wrt_slot.receiver;
-	} else {
-	  rd ?= rec;
-	  (rd != NULL).if {
-	    l ?= rd.variable;
-	    g ?= rd.variable;
-	    wrt_slot ?= last_write;
-	    rd ?= wrt_slot.receiver;
-	    is_rec_ok := (rd != NULL) && {
-	      (	      		
-		{l = rd.variable} && {is_seq_list last_list_current} && {
-		  (
-		    (l.last_seq != NULL) && {l.last_seq.last_write != NULL} && 
-		    {l.last_seq.last_seq_index < last_seq_index} &&
-		    {last_seq_call_local_and_loop = seq_call_local_and_loop}
-		  ) || {l.require_count <= 1} || {l.style = ' '}
-		}
-	      ) || 
-	      {
-		{g = rd.variable} && {g.style = '-'} && {
-		  (
-		    (g.last_write != NULL) && {g.last_seq_index < last_seq_index} &&
-		    {last_seq_call_and_loop = seq_call_and_loop} && 
-		    {is_seq_list (g.last_list_current)}
-		  ) || {g.require_count = 1}
-		}
-	      }
-	    };	    
-	  };
-	};
-	(is_rec_ok).if {
-	  val := last_write.value;
-	  rd  ?= val;
-	  (rd = NULL).if {
-	    l := NULL;
-	    g := NULL;	    
-	  } else {
-	    l ?= rd.variable;
-	    g ?= rd.variable;
-	  };
-	  (
-	    ( // Constant propagation.
-	      val.is_constant
-	    ) || 
-	    { // Local propagation.	      
-	      (l != NULL) && {is_seq_list last_list_current} && {				
-		(
-		  (l.last_seq != NULL) && {l.last_seq.last_write != NULL} && 
-		  {l.last_seq.last_seq_index < last_seq_index} &&
-		  {last_seq_call_local_and_loop = seq_call_local_and_loop}
-		) || {l.require_count <= 1} || {l.style = ' '}
-	      }
-	    } ||
-	    { // Global propagation.
-	      (g != NULL) && {g.style = '-'} && {
-		(
-		  (g.last_write != NULL) && {g.last_seq_index < last_seq_index} && 
-		  {last_seq_call_and_loop = seq_call_and_loop} &&
-		  {is_seq_list (g.last_list_current)}
-		) || {g.require_count = 1}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  ).if {	  
-	    (rec != NULL).if {
-	      rec.remove;
-	    };	    	    
-	    result := val.my_copy;
-	  }.elseif {
-	    // Propagation step by step.
-	    (last_seq_or_and = seq_or_and) &&
-	    {ensure_count = 1} &&
-	    {list_current.index > list_current.lower} && 
-	    {list_current.item (list_current.index - 1) = last_write} 
-	  } then {    	  	    
-	    (rec != NULL).if {
-	      rec.remove;
-	      wrt_slot ?= last_write;
-	      wrt_slot.receiver.remove;
-	    };
-	    unwrite last_write;
-	    list_current.put NOP to (list_current.index - 1);
-	    result := val;
-	  }.elseif {
-	    (rec != NULL) && {is_seq_list last_list_current} && 
-	    {my_require_count = 1} && {ensure_count = 1} &&
-	    {last_index.in_range (last_list_current.lower) to (last_list_current.upper)} &&
-	    {last_list_current.item last_index = last_write} 
-	  } then {
-	    // Local conversion.	    
-	    l := type.get_temporary position;
-	    i := l.write (last_write.position) value val;
-	    last_list_current.put i to last_index;
-	    result := l.read (rec.position);
-	    //	    
-	    rec.remove;
-	    wrt_slot ?= last_write;
-	    wrt_slot.receiver.remove;
-	    unwrite last_write;	    
-	  };
-	};
-      };      
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  //
-  // Constructeur.
-  //
-  - create b:SLOT type t:TYPE_FULL :SELF <-
-  ( 
-    create (b.position) name (b.name) style (b.style) base b type t
-  );
-  - create pos:POSITION name n:STRING_CONSTANT 
-  style s:CHARACTER base b:SLOT type t:TYPE_FULL :SELF <-
-  // BSBS: N'est plus utilise' !!!
-  ( + result:SELF;
-    result := clone;
-    result.make pos name n style s base b type t;
-    result
-  );
-  - make pos:POSITION name n:STRING_CONSTANT style s:CHARACTER base b:SLOT type t:TYPE_FULL <-
-  ( + tmp:TYPES_TMP;
-    parent_slot := b;
-    //
-    position    := pos;
-    name        := n;
-    style       := s;
-    intern_name := ALIAS_STR.get_intern name;
-    //    
-    type := t;      
-    (is_static).if {
-      tmp := TYPES_TMP.new;      
-      tmp.add (type.raw);
-      type_list := tmp.to_types;
-    } else {
-      type_list := TYPES_TMP.types_empty;
-    };
-    ? {type != NULL};            
-  );
-  //
-  // Context
-  //  
-  + value:LIST;
-  - init <-
-  ( + self_var:LOCAL;
-    + val,rec:EXPR;
-    + wrt:WRITE;
-    // BSBS: Dois être differe et linear => mettre a plat!!!
-    // Il faut le rentrer dans le model des NODEs...
-    ((value = NULL) && {(base_slot.affect != '<') || {Self = slot_id}}).if {                  
-      // Context.      
-      //old_data := data_current;
-      //(old_data = data_tmp).if {
-      //  crash_with_message "SLOT_DATA : Context en cascade !!! (à faire)";
-      //};
-      //data_current := data_tmp;
-      //data_current.set_self (receiver_type.default.to_strict);
-      //data_current.set_generic receiver_type;
-      //
-      not_yet_implemented;
-      value := list_current;      
-      (Self = slot_id).if {
-	val := PROTOTYPE_CST.create position type type;
-      } else {
-	// Self argument.
-	self_var := LOCAL.create position name (ALIAS_STR.variable_self) 
-	style '+' type (receiver_type.default);
-	stack_local.add_last self_var;
-	val := PROTOTYPE_CST.create position type (receiver_type.default);
-	wrt := self_var.write position value val;
-	list_current.add_last wrt;      
-	// Code.
-	(base_slot.value = NULL).if {	  	  	  
-	  val := type.default_value position;
-	} else {
-	  val := base_slot.value.to_run_expr;
-	};
-	val := val.check_type type with position;		
-      };      
-      (style = '+').if {
-	rec := PROTOTYPE_CST.create position type (receiver_type.default);
-      };      
-      (debug_level_option != 0).if {
-	list_current.add_last (
-	  PUSH.create position context context_main first FALSE 
-	);
-      };
-      wrt := write position with rec value val;
-      list_current.add_last wrt;    
-      list_current.add_last (PROTOTYPE_CST.create position type (TYPE_VOID.default)); // BSBS: Alias
-      // Context.
-      //data_current := old_data;
-    };
-  );
-  //
-  // Execute.
-  //
-  - execute <-
-  ( + lst:FAST_ARRAY[SLOT];
-    + slot:SLOT_DATA;
-    + s:SLOT;
-    + val:LIST;
-    + old_list_current:LIST;
-    //+ old_profil_current:PROFIL_SLOT;
-    + insert_index:INTEGER;
-    val := value;
-    value := NULL;    
-    insert_index := list_main.index;
-    list_main.add val to insert_index;
-    (type.is_expanded).if {      
-      lst := type.slot_run;
-      (lst != NULL).if {
-	(lst.lower).to (lst.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-	  s := lst.item j;
-	  (s.style = '+').if {
-	    slot := s.slot_data_intern;	    
-	    ((slot != NULL) &&  {slot.value != NULL}).if {
-	      slot.execute;
-	    };
-	    slot := s.slot_id;
-	    ((slot != NULL) &&  {slot.value != NULL}).if {
-	      slot.execute;
-	    };
-	  };
-	};
-      };     
-    };
-    old_list_current   := list_current;
-    //old_profil_current := profil_current;
-    list_current   := NULL;
-    //profil_current := NULL;
-    val.execute_link;
-    list_main.inc_index;
-    list_current   := old_list_current;
-    //profil_current := old_profil_current;        
-  );  
-  //
-  // Genere
-  //
-  - genere buffer:STRING <-
-  (     
-    type.genere_declaration buffer;
-    buffer.add_last ' ';
-    type.genere_star_declaration buffer;
-    buffer.append intern_name;    
-    buffer.append ";\n";
-  );
-  //
-  // Display.
-  //
-  - display buffer:STRING <-
-  (
-    buffer.append intern_name;     
-    buffer.add_last ' ';
-    buffer.add_last ':';
-    type.display buffer;    
-  );    
-  - display_all <-
-  ( 
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    display string_tmp;
-    string_tmp.print;
-  );
-  - new_read p:POSITION with r:EXPR :READ <-   
-  ( + result:READ;
-    (style = '-').if {
-      ? {r = NULL};
-      result := READ_GLOBAL.create p with Self;
-    } else {
-      ? {r != NULL};
-      result := READ_SLOT.create p with (r,Self);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  - new_write p:POSITION with r:EXPR value v:EXPR :WRITE <-
-  ( + result:WRITE;
-    (style = '-').if {
-      ? {r = NULL};
-      result := WRITE_GLOBAL.create p with v in Self;
-    } else {
-      ? {r != NULL};
-      result := WRITE_SLOT.create p with v in (r,Self);
-    };
-    result
-  );
-  /*
-  - new_access r:EXPR :ACCESS <- 
-  ( + result:ACCESS;
-    (style = '-').if {
-      result := ACCESS_GLOBAL.create Self;
-    } else {
-      result := ACCESS_SLOT.create Self with r;
-    };
-    result
-  );
\ No newline at end of file

Lisaac compiler

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