[SCM] applications.git branch, master, updated. 499cc46bc9377cbbe2bbbb866367e613848581e0

Benoit Sonntag sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Jan 6 04:15:05 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit af7439a9140d9a3036a631ff7c4512d5ae6e25a2
Author: Benoit Sonntag <sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr>
Date:   Wed Jan 6 05:12:27 2010 +0100

    Add http_server example

diff --git a/examples/standard/bat.sh b/examples/standard/bat.sh
index d27e050..ad5b49a 100755
--- a/examples/standard/bat.sh
+++ b/examples/standard/bat.sh
@@ -2,10 +2,5 @@
 rm compile.bat
 for i in `find -name "*.li"` ; do 
-  if [[ $i == "./gui/desktop/desktop.li" ]]
-  then
-      echo lisaac gui/make.lip gui/desktop/desktop.li -boost -q >> compile.bat
-  else
-      cat $i | grep -q "\- main <" && echo lisaac $i -q -boost >> compile.bat
-  fi
+  cat $i | grep -q "\- main <" && echo lisaac $i -q -boost >> compile.bat
diff --git a/examples/standard/compile.sh b/examples/standard/compile.sh
index 7e3e59a..0341815 100755
--- a/examples/standard/compile.sh
+++ b/examples/standard/compile.sh
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
 for i in `find -name "*.li"` ; do 
-  if [[ $i == "./gui/desktop/desktop.li" ]]
-  then
-      echo Compile $i
-      lisaac gui/make.lip gui/desktop/desktop.li -boost -q
-  else
-      cat $i | grep -q "\- main <" && echo Compile $i && lisaac $i -q -boost
-  fi
+  cat $i | grep -q "\- main <" && echo Compile $i && lisaac $i -q -boost
diff --git a/examples/standard/gui/draw/draw.li b/examples/standard/gui/draw/draw.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f0c195..0000000
--- a/examples/standard/gui/draw/draw.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-//                              Lisaac Example                               //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name        := DRAW;
-  - bibliography:= "http://IsaacOS.com";
-  - author      := "Sonntag Benoit (bsonntag at loria.fr)";
-  - comment     := "The first program.";
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
-Section Private
-  - current_directory:STRING := STRING.create 256;
-  //
-  // File manager.
-  //
-Section Private
-  // BSBS: A mettre en lib.
-  - path:G_IN; // BUG COMPILER !!!!!
-  - dir_w:G_WIN_IN;
-  - fil_w:G_WIN_IN;    
-  - scan_directory_filter typ:ABSTRACT_STRING action_select select:{ABSTRACT_STRING; }
-  directory_widget d_w:G_WIN_IN 
-  file_widget f_w:G_WIN_IN
-  path_widget p_bug:G_IN <-
-  ( + bt:G_BUTTON;
-    + entry:ENTRY;
-    + dir,file:G_EXPR;
-    + new_dir:{G_BUTTON; };
-    + background:G_RAW;
-    + directory:DIRECTORY;
-    - select_static:{ABSTRACT_STRING; };
-    - typ_static:ABSTRACT_STRING;
-    select_static := select;
-    typ_static := typ;
-    new_dir := { b:G_BUTTON;
-      + name:G_OUT;      
-      name ?= b.root;      
-      path.text.keep_head (path.text.fast_last_index_of '/');
-      path.text.append (name.text);            
-      scan_directory_filter typ_static action_select select_static
-      directory_widget dir_w file_widget fil_w path_widget path;
-    };
-    directory ?= FILE_SYSTEM.get_entry (path.text);
-    (directory.open).if_false {
-      "Directory : ".print;
-      directory.path.print; 
-      " not open!\n".print;
-      die_with_code 0;
-    };
-    path.text.copy (directory.path);
-    path.text.add_last '/';
-    path.refresh;
-    dir := G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "..") action new_dir;    
-    (directory.lower).to (directory.upper) do { j:INTEGER;
-      entry := directory.item j;
-      (entry.is_directory).if {        
-        bt := G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create (entry.name)) action new_dir;
-        dir := dir / bt;
-      }.elseif {(typ = NULL) || {entry.name.has_suffix typ}} then {
-        bt := G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create (entry.name)) action { b:G_BUTTON;
-          + name:G_OUT;
-          name ?= b.root;
-          path.text.keep_head (path.text.fast_last_index_of '/');
-          path.text.append (name.text);          
-          path.refresh;
-          select_static.value (path.text);
-        };
-        (file = NULL).if {
-          file := bt;
-        } else {
-          file := file / bt;
-        };
-      };      
-    };    
-    (file = NULL).if {
-      file := G_OUT.create "no file" justify (G_OUT.center);
-    };
-    background ?= dir_w.win_in.root;
-    background.delete;
-    background.make (dir.fix_height);        
-    background ?= fil_w.win_in.root;
-    background.delete;
-    background.make (file.fix_height);    
-    dir_w.refresh_in;
-    fil_w.refresh_in;
-  );
-Section Public
-  - filesystem_window dir:ABSTRACT_STRING 
-  filter suffix:ABSTRACT_STRING
-  with add_widget:G_EXPR 
-  action_select select:{ABSTRACT_STRING; } action_ok ok:{ABSTRACT_STRING; } <-
-  ( + win:G_WIN_OUT;    
-    + body:G_EXPR;    
-    - ok_static:{ABSTRACT_STRING; };
-    ok_static := ok;
-    dir_w := G_WIN_IN.create (160,240) with (G_RAW.create (G_OUT.create ""));
-    fil_w := G_WIN_IN.create (160,240) with (G_RAW.create (G_OUT.create ""));
-    path := G_IN.create (64,1);
-    path.text.copy dir; 
-    body := 
-    (
-      (
-        G_RAW.create (
-          G_OUT.create "Directory" /            
-          dir_w
-        )
-      ) | (
-        G_RAW.create (
-          G_OUT.create "File" /
-          fil_w
-        )
-      ) 
-    ) / (
-      G_RAW.create (
-        G_OUT.create " File name : " | path 
-      )
-    ) / (
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " OK " justify (G_OUT.center)) action { b:G_BUTTON;
-        + p:G_WIN_OUT;
-        p ?= b.parent;          
-        p.close;
-        ok_static.value (path.text);          
-      } |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Cancel" justify (G_OUT.center)) action { b:G_BUTTON;
-        + p:G_WIN_OUT;
-        p ?= b.parent;          
-        p.close;
-      }
-    );
-    (add_widget != NULL).if {
-      body := body | add_widget;
-    };
-    win := G_WIN_OUT.create "Open" with body;        
-    win.open_by DESK;
-    scan_directory_filter suffix action_select select directory_widget dir_w 
-    file_widget fil_w path_widget path;
-  );
-Section Public
-  - main <-
-  ( + menu_bar:G_EXPR;
-    + tools_bar:G_EXPR;
-    + select,zoom,line,rectangle,ellipse,text,paint:G_CHECK;
-    //
-    + zoom_bar:G_WIN_OUT;
-    //    
-    + file_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    + edit_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    + present_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    + dispo_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    + window_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    + help_menu:G_WIN_OUT;
-    //    
-    + align_win:G_WIN_OUT;
-    //
-    + t,m,b:G_CHECK;
-    + r,c,l:G_CHECK;
-    //
-    + action_not_yet_implemented:{G_BUTTON; };
-    current_directory.copy (FILE_SYSTEM.path);
-    current_directory.append "/TravCUT";
-    // Init window.
-    VIDEO.make_size (800,600);
-    action_not_yet_implemented := { bt:G_BUTTON;     
-      + w:G_WIN_OUT;
-      + g:AREA;
-      g := bt.parent;
-      {
-        w ?= g;
-        g := g.parent;
-      }.do_while {(w = NULL) && {g != NULL}};     
-      (w != NULL).if {
-        w.close;
-      };
-      message_not_yet_implemented;
-    };
-    // Align Window :
-    align_win := G_WIN_OUT.create "Alignment" with (
-      (
-	(
-	  (t := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Top "))    /
-	  (m := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Medium ")) /
-	  (b := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Bottom ")) 
-	) | (
-	  (
-	    (l := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Left "))   |
-	    (c := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Center ")) |
-	    (r := G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Right "))
-	  ).fix_height /
-	  (
-	    G_RAW.create ((G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "In page ").fix_height.fix_width))
-	  )
-	)
-      ) / (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "  OK  " justify (G_OUT.center)) action 
-        action_not_yet_implemented |
-        G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Cancel" justify (G_OUT.center)) action { bt:G_BUTTON;     
-          + w:G_WIN_OUT;
-          w ?= bt.parent;
-          w.close;          
-        }
-      )
-    );
-    t ^ m ^ b;
-    l ^ c ^ r;
-    // File menu :    
-    file_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "New") action action_not_yet_implemented
-      ) / 
-      G_RAW.create (
-        G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Open ...")    action { bt:G_BUTTON; 
-          + w:G_WIN_OUT;
-          w ?= bt.parent.parent;
-          w.close;
-          filesystem_window current_directory filter NULL
-          with NULL action_select 
-          { name:ABSTRACT_STRING;
-            "select ".print;
-            name.print; 
-            '\n'.print;
-          } action_ok 
-          { name:ABSTRACT_STRING;
-            + f:FILE;
-            + e:ENTRY;
-            e := FILE_SYSTEM.get_entry name;
-            (e = NULL).if {
-              "Error file!\n".print;
-            } else {              
-              (! e.open).if {
-                "Error open\n".print;
-              } else {
-                f ?= e;                
-                (FORMAT_BCT.load f).if {
-                  f.close;
-                  page.refresh;
-                } else {
-                  "Error format\n".print;
-                };
-              };
-            };
-          };
-        } /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Save")        action action_not_yet_implemented / 
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Save as ...") action action_not_yet_implemented
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Import ...") action action_not_yet_implemented /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Export ...") action action_not_yet_implemented
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Print ...") action action_not_yet_implemented
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Exit")      action action_not_yet_implemented  
-      )
-    );
-    // Edit menu :    
-    edit_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Undo") action action_not_yet_implemented /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Redo") action action_not_yet_implemented     
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Delete")     action action_not_yet_implemented / 
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Duplicate")  action action_not_yet_implemented /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Select all") action action_not_yet_implemented 
-      )
-    );
-    // Present menu :    
-    present_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Magnetic locate") /
-      G_CHECK.create_with_check (G_OUT.create "Contour")         
-    );
-    // Dispo menu :    
-    dispo_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (      
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Text editor...") action action_not_yet_implemented /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Alignment") connect align_win   /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "to curve") action action_not_yet_implemented       
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (	    
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "First plan") action action_not_yet_implemented     / 
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Last plan") action action_not_yet_implemented      
-      ) /
-      G_RAW.create (
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Group") action action_not_yet_implemented          /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Degroup") action action_not_yet_implemented        /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Combine") action action_not_yet_implemented        /
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Decombine") action action_not_yet_implemented      /        
-	G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Auto-combine") action action_not_yet_implemented
-      )
-    );
-    // Window menu :    
-    window_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Refresh draw") action action_not_yet_implemented
-    );
-    // Help menu :    
-    help_menu := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "About ...") action action_not_yet_implemented /
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "Bugs report ...") action action_not_yet_implemented /
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create "News ...") action action_not_yet_implemented
-    );
-    // Menu Bar :
-    menu_bar := (
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " File ")         connect file_menu.fix_width    |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " Edit ")         connect edit_menu.fix_width    |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " Presentation ") connect present_menu.fix_width |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " Disposition ")  connect dispo_menu.fix_width   |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " Window ")       connect window_menu.fix_width  | 
-      G_OUT.create " "                                                               |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_OUT.create " Help ")         connect help_menu.fix_width  
-    ).fix_height;
-    // Zoom bar.
-    zoom_bar := G_WIN_OUT.create (
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_IMG.create "zoom_in.bmp")     |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_IMG.create "zoom_out.bmp")    |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_IMG.create "zoom_select.bmp") |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_IMG.create "zoom_page.bmp")   |
-      G_BUTTON.create (G_IMG.create "zoom_100.bmp") 
-    );
-    // Tools bar.
-    tools_bar := (
-      (select    := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "select.bmp"))    /
-      (zoom      := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "zoom.bmp") connect zoom_bar) /
-      (line      := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "line.bmp"))      /
-      (rectangle := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "rectangle.bmp")) /
-      (ellipse   := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "ellipse.bmp"))   /
-      (text      := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "text.bmp"))      /
-      (paint     := G_CHECK.create (G_IMG.create "paint.bmp"))
-    ).fix_width.fix_height;
-    select ^ zoom ^ line ^ rectangle ^ ellipse ^ text ^ paint;
-    // Screen definition.
-    DESK.make VIDEO with (             
-      menu_bar  / (
-        tools_bar | (
-          RULER_HORIZONTAL.create / (
-            RULER_VERTICAL.create | G_WIN_IN.create (320,200) with page
-          )
-        ) 
-      ) / (
-        G_RAW.create (
-          G_OUT.create " Context Information ..."
-        ).fix_height
-      )
-    );
-    // +---------------------+
-    // |         menu        |
-    // +---+-----------------+
-    // | t |                 |
-    // | o |                 |    => menu / (tools | page )
-    // | o |     PAGE        |
-    // | l |                 |
-    // | s |                 |
-    // +---+-----------------+
-  );
diff --git a/examples/standard/test_compiler/test1.li b/examples/standard/http/mini_server.li
similarity index 59%
copy from examples/standard/test_compiler/test1.li
copy to examples/standard/http/mini_server.li
index 5ad04a5..fe9adf8 100644
--- a/examples/standard/test_compiler/test1.li
+++ b/examples/standard/http/mini_server.li
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
 //                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
 Section Header
-  + name      := TEST1;
-  - copyright := "2003-2008 Sonntag Benoit";
+  + name      := MINI_SERVER;
-  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr)";
+  - copyright := "2003-2010 Sonntag Benoit";
+  - author    := "Sonntag Benoit (sonntag at icps.u-strasbg.fr), Pierre-Alexandre";
   - comment   := "The main prototype";
 Section Inherit
@@ -32,19 +32,48 @@ Section Inherit
   - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
 Section Public
-  - method (a,b,c:INTEGER) :(INTEGER,INTEGER,BOOLEAN) <-
-  (
-    a,a-b,a=c
-  );
+  - my_buf:STRING := STRING.create 1024;
   - main <-
-  ( + r1,r2:INTEGER;
-    + r3:BOOLEAN;
-    (r1,r2,r3) := method (1,2,3);
-    `/* @r1, @r2, at r3*/`;    
-    (r1,r2,r3) := method (2,3,4);
-    `/* @r1, @r2, at r3*/`;        
+  ( + port:INTEGER;
+    (COMMAND_LINE.upper != 1).if {
+      "Usage: main <port>\n".print;
+      die_with_code 0;
+    };
+    port := COMMAND_LINE.item 1.to_integer;
+    "Listen port : ".print;
+    port.print;
+    '\n'.print;
+    HTTP_SERVER.listen port action {
+      HTTP_SERVER.send
+      "<html>\n\
+      \  <head>\n\
+      \    <title>Welcome in Mini-Server !!</title>\n\
+      \  </head>\n\
+      \  <body>\n\
+      \    <h1>Welcome in Mini-Server !!</h1>\n\
+      \  </body>\n\
+      \</html>\n" type_mime "text/html";
+      HTTP_SERVER.receive my_buf;
+      HTTP_SERVER.convert my_buf to_dictionary my_dico;
+      "Receive : \n".print;
+      (my_dico.lower).to (my_dico.upper) do { i:INTEGER;
+        '['.print;
+        my_dico.key i.print;
+        ':'.print;
+        my_dico.item i.print;
+        ']'.print;
+        '\n'.print;
+      };
+      HTTP_SERVER.close;
+    };
diff --git a/examples/standard/tiny_object/any_to.li b/examples/standard/tiny_object/any_to.li
deleted file mode 100644
index 306f3c2..0000000
--- a/examples/standard/tiny_object/any_to.li
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-//                             Lisaac Example                                //
-//                                                                           //
-//                   LSIIT - ULP - CNRS - INRIA - FRANCE                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    //
-//   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    //
-//   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       //
-//   (at your option) any later version.                                     //
-//                                                                           //
-//   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         //
-//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          //
-//   GNU General Public License for more details.                            //
-//                                                                           //
-//   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       //
-//   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   //
-//                                                                           //
-//                     http://isaacproject.u-strasbg.fr/                     //
-Section Header
-  + name := ANY_TO;
-Section Inherit
-  - parent_object:OBJECT := OBJECT;
-Section Public
-  - input_name:STRING_CONSTANT;
-  - source:STRING;
-  - string_tmp:STRING := STRING.create 250;
-  //
-  // Program
-  //
-  - class_master:CLASS;
-  //
-  // Error manager.
-  //
-  - syntax_error p:INTEGER message msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
-  (
-    error p style "--SYNTAX---------\n" message msg;
-    die_with_code exit_failure_code;
-  );
-  - semantic_error p:INTEGER message msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
-  (
-    error p style "--SEMANTIC-------\n" message msg;
-    die_with_code exit_failure_code;
-  );
-  - warning_error p:INTEGER message msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
-  (
-    error p style "--WARNING--------\n" message msg;
-  );
-  - error p:INTEGER style s:STRING_CONSTANT message msg:ABSTRACT_STRING <-
-  ( + l,c,pos:INTEGER;
-    + char:CHARACTER;
-    - msg_error:STRING;
-    (msg_error = NULL).if {
-      msg_error := STRING.create 256;
-    };
-    (l,c) := current_position p;
-    msg_error.copy s;
-    msg_error.append msg;    
-    msg_error.append "\nLine ";
-    l.append_in msg_error;    
-    msg_error.append " column ";
-    c.append_in msg_error;
-    msg_error.add_last '\n';
-    // Search begin line :    
-    pos := source.lower;
-    1.to (l-1) do { line:INTEGER;
-      {source.item pos = '\n'}.until_do {
-	pos := pos + 1;
-      };
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };
-    // copy line :        
-    string_tmp.clear;
-    {(pos > source.upper) || {source.item pos='\n'}}.until_do {
-      char := source.item pos;
-      msg_error.add_last char;
-      (c > 1).if {
-	(char = '\t').if {
-	  string_tmp.add_last '\t';
-	} else {
-	  string_tmp.add_last ' ';
-	};
-      };
-      c   := c - 1;
-      pos := pos + 1;
-    };
-    msg_error.add_last '\n';
-    msg_error.append string_tmp;
-    msg_error.append "^\n";
-    //
-    STD_ERROR.put_string msg_error;
-  );
-  //
-  // String aliaser.
-  //
-  ( + result:STRING_CONSTANT;
-    ? {str != NULL};
-    tmp := aliaser_string.reference_at str;
-    (tmp = NULL).if {
-      result := STRING_CONSTANT.create_copy str;
-      aliaser_string.fast_add result;
-    } else {
-      result ?= tmp;      
-    };
-    ? {result == str};
-    result
-  );
-  - keyword_inherit:STRING_CONSTANT := "Inherit";
-  - keyword_print:STRING_CONSTANT   := "print";
-  - keyword_new:STRING_CONSTANT     := "New";
-  - keyword_master:STRING_CONSTANT  := "master";
-  - keyword_this:STRING_CONSTANT    := "This";
-  //
-  // Flags.
-  //
-  // -- VFT --
-  - is_vft:BOOLEAN := TRUE;
-  // -- VFT --
-Section Private
-  //
-  // Aliaser string.
-  //
-  - aliaser_string:HASHED_SET(ABSTRACT_STRING) := 
-    result := HASHED_SET(ABSTRACT_STRING).create;
-    result.fast_add keyword_inherit;
-    result.fast_add keyword_print;
-    result.fast_add keyword_new;
-    result.fast_add keyword_master;
-    result.fast_add keyword_this;
-    result
-  );
-  - current_position pos:INTEGER :(INTEGER,INTEGER) <-
-  ( + p,line,col:INTEGER;
-    p := source.lower;
-    {p = pos}.until_do {
-      (source.item p = '\n').if {
-	col  := 0;
-	line := line + 1;
-      } else {
-	col := col + 1;
-      };
-      p := p + 1;
-    };
-    line+1,col+1
-  );
diff --git a/examples/standard/tiny_object/instr.li b/examples/standard/tiny_object/instr.li
index 1c7d47a..6e19ef6 100644
--- a/examples/standard/tiny_object/instr.li
+++ b/examples/standard/tiny_object/instr.li
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Section Header
 Section Inherit
-  - parent_any_to:ANY_TO := ANY_TO;
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
 Section Public
diff --git a/examples/standard/tiny_object/parser.li b/examples/standard/tiny_object/parser.li
index 65e02d4..a306dc7 100644
--- a/examples/standard/tiny_object/parser.li
+++ b/examples/standard/tiny_object/parser.li
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Section Header
 Section Inherit
-  - parent_any_to:ANY_TO := ANY_TO;
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
 Section Private
diff --git a/examples/standard/tiny_object/tiny_object.li b/examples/standard/tiny_object/tiny_object.li
index 8a676c0..d94f50a 100644
--- a/examples/standard/tiny_object/tiny_object.li
+++ b/examples/standard/tiny_object/tiny_object.li
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Section Header
 Section Inherit
-  - parent_any_to:ANY_TO := ANY_TO;
+  - parent_any:ANY := ANY;
 Section Private
diff --git a/examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action.li b/examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action_block.li
similarity index 99%
rename from examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action.li
rename to examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action_block.li
index d8398e5..6c0ea98 100644
--- a/examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action.li
+++ b/examples/standard/tp_lisaac/action_block.li
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 Section Header
-  + name := ACTION;
+  + name := ACTION_BLOCK;
 Section Public


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