[Netconf-devel] Re: interapplet 0.02

Thomas Hood jdthood@aglu.demon.nl
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 11:12:38 +0200

Interestingly the script lists my interface on Sarge, but not on Hoary.

On Hoary (I named the script you provided 'list-ifaces'):

$ ls /sys/class/net
lo  sit0  wifi0  wlanp_0
$ ./list-ifaces

On Sarge:

$ ls /sys/class/net
lo wifi0 wlanp_0
$ ./list-ifaces

bugs.freedesktop.org doesn't contain any reports of bugs in HAL related
to PCMCIA cards.  However, I am not sure that the problem is related to
the fact that my interface is a PCMCIA card.