[Neurodebian-devel] Debian packages for Stimfit

Christoph Schmidt-Hieber c.schmidt-hieber at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 25 12:01:34 UTC 2011

Dear Yaroslav,

thanks again for recommending the use of private libraries. It works fine the way you suggested it.

I'm now stuck with the multiple packages (stimfit and python-stfio):

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
>> One thing that I would like to add to the deb is the pure-python
>>  stfio module. How would I add this to the deb? Create a new
>> control/rules/etc. directory? Or add a package to the existing files?
> you can build as many binary packages as you like from a single source
> package, i.e. debian/control can contain many 'Package: ' entries, in
> this case it should be python-stfio, Architecture: all (if it is
> pure-python without extensions).  then, after things are built, unless
> they get installed directly into debian/binarypackagename/,
> usually they get placed under debian/tmp and you direct which things go
> to which binary packages by creating debian/binarypackagename.install
> files and (unless possible easily with .install files) - by moving
> things into corresponding debian/binarypackagename/ subdirectories
> within debian/rules.
> just look into some package for how things done... e.g. libfann of
> Christian seems to be clean enough, so
> apt-get source libfann2
> and see how things are sorted out

I've looked into libfann2 and some more packages, but either missed the point or they're doing it differently:

In the case of stimfit and python-stfio, the binaries are generated using different configure flags; i.e. to build stimfit, you do:

./configure --enable-python
sudo make install

whereas to build python-stfio, you do (in a separate build - none of the *.o files can be re-used):

./configure --enable-module
sudo make install

How would I go about this in the debian/rules and debian/*.install files? Do you know of any package that uses a similar build process that I could use as a template? Or should I try to tweak my build toolchain so that both packages are generated during the same build?

Thanks a lot for your help,

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