[Neurodebian-upstream] newbie

Samuel GARCIA sgarcia at olfac.univ-lyon1.fr
Wed Sep 22 15:11:09 UTC 2010

Hi list,
I am a newbie in the list.
I am the dev of OpenElectrophy http://packages.python.org/OpenElectrophy/.

OpenElectrophy have recently be split up in two project : OpenElectrophy 
+  neo as sub project :

The goal is to get OpenElectrophy and NeuroTools closer and other 
projects we hope of course.
Both project are used to manipulate  electro-physiological (in vivo 
and/or simulated) datasets.

neo define and implement some simple classes for nomenclature and a pure 
python IO to substitute neuroshare.

I known that nibabel have the same IO goal for neuro imaging.

I think that people from nibabel are in this list.

My question :
Do you think this list is the good place for inter project discussion ?
Or is it better to have discussion in nibabel list ?




Samuel Garcia
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Sensorielles, Comportement, Cognition.
CNRS - UMR5020 - Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1
Equipe logistique et technique
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
Tél : 04 37 28 74 24
Fax : 04 37 28 76 01

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