[newmaint-site] Adding debconf volunteers to contributors.d.o

Francesca Ciceri madamezou at zouish.org
Mon Mar 24 10:13:45 UTC 2014

Dear penta administrator(s?),

I'd very much like to add the Debconf volunteers and organizators
to the list of Debian Contributors [1].
In order to do this, what is needed for each contributor is a $identifier
(gpg key fingerprint, email address or login name) and a $date-range
for their contributions.
Bonus points if  we can have all the different subsets of contributions type in the
more general pool of "debconf volunteers" (videoteam, front desk, talk
team, speakers, etc).

Joerg said it could be possible to script something to
send the relevant info to contributors.d.o.

Data is submitted in JSON format, with one record per identifier, like

       { id: [ { type: "email", id: "fil at debian.org" } ],
         contributions: [
           { type: "videoteam", begin: "2010-01-01", end: "2013-11-16" },
           { type: "frontdesk", begin: "2001-05-01", end: "2003-03-12" }
       { id: [ { type: "email", id: "madamezou at debian.org" } ],
         contributions: [
           { type: "frontdesk", begin: "2001-05-01", end: "2013-11-16"}

Submission is essentially an HTTPS POST with an attached JSON file:

  curl https://contributors.debian.org/contributors/post \\
    -F source="debconf" -F auth_token="germanhazlongwords"
    -F data=@filname.json

You can find more detailed information here [2].
Can you please make this happen?

I have no coding skills to speak of, but if/where I can help I'll do it
gladly. :)
If you have any doubt, you can always refer to the newmaint-site mailing list (added in cc).

[1] http://contributors.debian.org
[2]  https://wiki.debian.org/DebianContributors

"Non mi uccise la morte, ma due guardie bigotte,
mi cercarono l'anima a forza di botte"
Fabrizio De André, Un blasfemo
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